The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

October 1st, 2014

Sept. 19, 1940 Springhill Record Junction Road Scene of Bad Car Accident

     Two women are on the danger list at All Saints Hospital and one three year old boy has injured legs as a result of a pedestrian and  car accident on Junction Road on Monday morning.  Inquiries at the hospital this morning reveal that the condition of two women is still very serious.

     The victims of the accident are:

Mrs. Lawson Lewis of Five Islands, who is suffering from a fractured skull, two fractured legs and a fractured left arm;

Mrs. Lewis’s son Lawson who both legs are broken;

Mrs. Walter Johnson of Springhill who is suffering from a fractured skull and left ankle.

     Mrs. Russell Adams of Springhill and Mrs. Laura Nowlan of Truro, occupants of the car, are suffering from cuts and bruises.  Pte. Charles Vergie, driver of the car, was uninjured.

Junction Road Again

     The accident happened on Junction Road about 150 yards below the railroad tracks where the marks showed the car turned diagonally across the road and crashed into the two women and the child who are said to have been walking on the left side of the road facing the coming traffic.  First reports stated that the pedestrians were walking on the sidewalk, but no confirmation of this could be obtained by the press, but a reconstruction of the accident would one to believe they were on the sidewalk when struck by the car and protected by a three foot ditch which the car hurdled.

     Measurements indicate from where the car left the road and entered the ditch to where it came to rest on the sidewalk was about 80 feet.  There was no indication that the car had returned to the road after entering the ditch.  Over a barb wire fence and some 18 feet from the pavement, Mrs. Johnson was picked up, while near her Mrs. Nowlan was thrown from the car.  One strand of barb wire was broken by the impact of the body, believed to be Mrs. Johnson’s, who was badly cut on one side.  

Rushed to Hospital

     Neighbors and others who gathered quickly on the scene rushed the injured to the hospital where they received treatment.

Does Not Know What Happened

     Questioned after the accident Pte. Vergie told the Police he did not know what speed he was travelling and could not account for the accident.  Miss Nowlan estimated the speed of the car at 30 to 35 miles per hour at the time of the accident.  There were eye witnesses whose story will be given out later when the investigation by the police is completed. 

Steering Gear in Good Shape

     An investigation of the steering gear of the car by Chief Buchanan revealed this to be in good condition.  The Chief examined the car before it left the scene of the accident.

Residents Stirred

     Residents of the area interviewed by the press following the accident were shocked and roused to anger by the incident.  They immediately started a petition requesting that a car be provided for the Police Department to curb speeding, and repairs to the road which it is claimed throws cars out of control at the tracks. 

Sept. 26, 1940Has Narrow Escape

     Little three-year old Beverly DeBaie was struck by a truck at the corner of Leckie and McGee Streets last Thursday evening around 5:30.  The child with five other children on the side of the road, ran out towards the center of the road.  The driver of the truck, in order to avoid the children, was obliged to swerve and went off into the school yard.  The little girl was struck a glancing blow which threw her to the pavement.  Although no bones were broken, her face was badly scraped and bruised, with a cut also on her forehead.  She was badly frightened as well.  Taken to All Saints Hospital, her injuries were attended, after which she was taken home.  She soon was able to play about as usual.  The driver of the truck was Fred Wilson of Parkside, N.B.  No blame was attached.

     Beverly met with a second accident this week when she had her fingers cut on a broken cup.

Car Drivers Slow Down

     While the Police Department has been operating on the Junction Rd. since last Saturday no less than 20 motorists have paid fines totaling $10 each into the coffers of the Town.  The drive against speeders will continue and the Chief tells us that the speed  maniacs have already learned to “take it easy.”

     It must not be taken for granted that this drive against speeders applies only to the Junction Road.  The speed limit in town is 20 miles an hour and if motorist would protect their pocketbook they must not become confused on this point – for the Chief has a car now and you’re liable to find him trailing you at any moment.

     The Chief tells us, however, that the greatest number of speeders picked up so far are from out of town, and while the admit the speed limit in their own town is 20 miles per hour, they feel they should be permitted to tear through this town at any speed they wish.  So far the new victims of the new drive are one Member of Parliament from New Brunswick, travellers and tourist.

     Better watch your speed now and save ten.