The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

June 1st, 2016

Feb. 15, 1945Springhill RecordIt Still Is Safe In Springhill!

     William Porter, well-known Veteran of World War 1, living at Saltsprings had occasion to come to town last Thursday, walking the distance owing to the heavy snow.  Arrived back home he found he had lost his Bank Book and his wallet.  A few minutes after discovery of his loss, a driver of Boss’ Taxi Service drove up with the Bank Book.  The police was notified with respect to the wallet.  Meanwhile, June Brine, schoolgirl, coming from the rink found the missing purse and turned it over to Chief Buchanan and so it too was returned to the owner.  Mr. Porter is very thankful for the return of his property and grateful to all concerned.  In addition, June has been presented with a nice award.

Feb. 22, 1945 Dr. J. E. Park in Hospital

     Dr. J.E. Park is a patient in All Saints Hospital with a broken left ankle as a result of a car collision Wednesday evening just east of the Valley Road SchoolMrs. Edson Lowther, a passenger in the other car was also admitted to the hospital from a cut on her forehead, but it was expected she would be discharged today.  Four other women were badly shaken up in the crash. 

     The accident happened just east of the Valley Road School, when a car driven by Mrs. Don Glennie, of Oxford, crashed headlong into the car of Dr. Park as he was returning to Oxford from Springhill, having taken a patient to the hospital.  While the details of the accident are vague, it is said that the cars got caught in the rut in the road and hit head on.  Dr. Park’s car is said to be scrapped as a result of the accident, while the car driven by Mrs. Glennie is said to be badly damaged. 

     Accompanying Mrs. Glennie were Mrs. Edson Lowther, who sustained a cut on her forehead; Mrs. James Langille and Miss Helen Downey, of Oxford, who were badly shaken up.  With Dr. Park was his daughter, Mrs. Jackson, who was also suffering from shock.

No Extra Butter for Miners

     “The miners of Springhill cannot have more butter than their rations call for”  according to Christine White, chief liaison officer of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board, who addressed a meeting of the miners in their hall Saturday evening. 

     In her address to the miners Mrs. White explained the butter situation, pointing out that Ontario and Quebec drought had curtailed the output seriously.  However, the speaker went so far as to say that whenever the situation warranted it she would do everything possible to have the miners’ butter ration increased.

     It was pointed out that jam was no substitute for butter as jam in the mine give the men heartburn. 

     Mrs. White also reminded the men that C.N.R. hotels and on the railways no butter is served at the noon meal.  Restaurants across Canada are also serving under butter at only two meals each day in an effort to conserve. 

Got Alarm Clocks

     When the question of securing alarm clocks was brought up Mrs. White said that some 1200 had been shipped in District 26 in care of the union.  1200 were for Cape Breton and 800 for the mainland.  It was questioned if the Mainland received its full share as only 80 came to Bruce Hyatt, Treasurer of the Union and 30 to Joggins and River Hebert.  Mrs. White promised to find out where the 800 went.  The local union now has 40 names on its list for clocks and Mrs. White promised to do something about it.

Miners Impressed

     Discussing the meeting with Mr. Howard Tattrie, Board Member, he told The Record that Mrs. White had made a deep impression on the men and he regretted that the meeting had not been open to the general public.  Mr. Tattrie introduced the speaker and Mr. Aubrey Osmond was in the chair.

Miners Vote to Strike April 1st.

     While only half of the membership took part in the recent strike vote held in District 26 by members of the U.M.W. of A. about five to one voted in favor of striking April 1st unless the War Labor Board changed its present attitude. 

     In Springhill the vote was 734 in favor of a strike with 198 against.  Nine ballots were spoiled. 

     Throughout the district 6,036 voted to strike with 1,849 against such action.


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