The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

October 19th, 2016

Sept. 27, 1945Springhill Record Meat is Off the Market

     “There has been no change in the meat situation,” said a prominent dealer to the Record this morning “And no change is contemplated,” he added.  Clean shelves bore out his remarks as your reporter looked around the store. 

     The situation throughout Cumberland County is said to be similar to Springhill with wholesalers refusing to deliver carcass beef until the situation is remedied. 

     Throughout Canada there is a rising feeling against the rationing system recently put into effect.  Slight modifications were made by the Rationing Board, but it is felt these changes are not sufficient to meet the situation.

     In Alberta the miners have gone on strike today and unless there is a change in the situation this action will spread throughout the country.

Will Show Motion Picture

      Under the auspices of the Cumberland Railway and Coal Company Motion Pictures will be shown in the Miners’ Hall, on Tuesday, Oct. 2nd at 10 a.m. and 8 p.m.  A Special film on the Malagash Salt Mine will be shown on the program.  There is no admission for this show and workmen are urged to attend.

Work is Completed on Town Water Dams

     Work on both water dams is now complete, according to a statement by Councillor Angus McKay, Chairman of the Water Committee.

     In completing the repairs, Councillor McKay said the large dam had been raised some 8 inches and the smaller dam 15 inches which should add a greatly increased supply of water and more pressure for the town system. 

     The road has been built into the dam and it is now possible for a car to be taken in.  Previously those whose duties took them to the dams had to walk from four to seven miles to inspect them. 

     Citizens will be glad to know this work has been completed and that the job done will assure the town of a good supply of water for many years.

New Arrivals From Overseas

     Arrived recently by air from Overseas to Boucherville, Que: Sigmn J.D. Hayman, Tpr. L.P. Rolfe and L/Cpl. J.O. Merrey, Springhill

Troopship “Scythia”Wolfe’s Cove, Que. Sept. 16: Pte. G.R. Alderson, Pte. H.J. Leggett, Pte. H.J. Wilson, Tpr. Trevor Allen, Springhill

     Sigmn R.B. Rhindress, Amherst

     Pte. C.L. McAloney, Parrsboro

Hospital Ship “Lady Nelson”Halifax, Sept. 16: Pte. J.E. McManaman, L/Cpl. A.F. O’Brien, Springhill

Spr. L.D. Eagles, Lower Five Islands

Troopship “Pasteur” – Quebec Sept. 21: Sgt. E.L. Chandler, Bdr. G.A. Gabriel, Pte. W. Meekins, Springhill

Pte. H.J. Philips, Pte. E. J. Dupois, Sgt. J.W. Ellis, Sgt. G.G. Hunter, Cfn. W.T. Mills, Sgt. J.A. Erskine, Amherst

Bdr. H.A. Currie, Gnr. G.J. Grant, Sgt. E. O’Brien, River Hebert

L/Cpl. P.E. Leighton, Wentworth Creek

Sigmn R.H. Lyons, East Wentworth

Cpl. J.C.B. Russell, Pugwash

Gnr. H.R. Yorke, Dilligent River

Pte. A.J. Blondeau, Joggins

HMCS Qu’AppelleHalifax Sept. 24:  Pte. S.D. Powell, Springhill

Five Constables on Duty

     Five local Constables were on duty most of the night in an effort to curb troublemakers who had come into town during the day for the ball game.  Liquor played a big part in the battles that were waged and as a result two men were taken to the hospital for treatment, but one was released this morning.  Five others bulged the walls of the jail and four of these were visitors.  Two of the five had more serious charges facing them, one for drunken driving when he turned his car into the curb and twice smashed into the big bus parked at Hyatt’s Restaurant.  As Police Officer Robert Wilson was talking to the driver his pal assaulted Wilson from the rear and within a few minutes they were both in jail. 

     An argument between “Mountain Boy” Linkletter and a man by the name of Boudreau, from Halifax, during which “Linky” was accused of throwing a ball game recently ended in blows and Boudreau was the victim of the crowd, ending up in hospital. 

     This morning everything was back to normal with police keeping a keen eye on the crowd.


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