The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

October 19th, 2011

Robbery on Junction Road

April 25, 1940 – Springhill RecordHerb Rushton Robbed of $154

     Chief of Police Buchanan and officers McDonald and Bonnyman are busy investing a complaint from Herbie (Skimp) Rushton of Springhill Junction, a former baseball star with the original Springhill Fencebusters that while enroute to his home from Springhill in his car early Monday morning he was held up at the point of a revolver and robbed of $154.00.

     The former athlete told Chief of Police Buchanan that he was ordered to stop his car on Junction Rd. at the height of a snowstorm and when he did a man opened the door and threw him from the vehicle at the same time brandishing a revolver.

     After relieving him of his cash the culprit made his way up Queen St. near the Junction Rd. School while Rushton proceeded to his home at the Junction and there called Officer Bonnyman.  The latter visited the scene of the crime at once but could find no footprints or other helpful evidence.  Chief of Police Buchanan was called and immediately began a thorough investigation.  In conversation with Rushton the holdup victim could not give any information claiming that he did not discern the identity of the culprit, what he worn or his build.

May 2, 1940 – New Business to be Opened

     A local boy, Jim Ryan, is opening a business of his own this week in meat and grocery lines, in the Shenton Block.  He has had a number of years experience in these lines, having Gilroy’s Market in 1923.  He remained with Walter Scott who took over from Gilroy’s and continued with Newman’s after their purchase of the business in 1937.

     Jim is well liked and will have the best wishes of his friends as he goes into business for himself.  The stand, in the newly renovated premises, is centrally located, clean and up to date.  We bespeak for him a generous share of patronage.

July 18, 1940 – Double Parking on Main Street

     New plans for parking cars are to be completed soon as the Government Marking Machine reaches town.  It is now completing work between Springhill and Parrsboro.  The new plans according to Chief Buchanan include double parking on Main Street in certain sections.  Starting at lower Main St. single line parking on the south side will extend from Evan’s wholesale to Newman’s.  No parking will be allowed from that point to Wilson’s store where spaces will be made for about 4 or 5 cars.  From Wilson’s store to the Selrite the south side will be kept clear but from this point to the Miner’s Hall single line parking will be continued.  This plan will not affect the parking spaces now laid out on the north side of Main St.  Even with this double parking the Chief tells us there will be 20 to 22 feet of clear roadway, sufficient for cars to pass.

January 1, 1953 – “Twenty Years Age”

     Jack Robinson popular linesman, of the Edison Electric Co., had a narrow escape from serious injury well at work on a power pole on Main St.  A dead wire became loose above Robinson and dropping, effected a short circuit with a live wire carrying 2200 volts, the end striking Robinson’s tool bag and setting it afire.  The short caused a considerable explosion.  Cecil Carde, working with Robinson, dashed for the office to throw the switch, but the local manager, George Haystead, came out from the company office drawing on a pair of rubber gloves and cut the wire.  Robinson was considerably shaken but resumed work shortly afterwards.

     The School Board notified the Teachers’ Union that the prospect of receiving their salary in future was problematic.  The Government was notified of the Town’s financial position.  Commissioner Arthur Phillips presided over the meeting.

     Hughie, seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Calder, Morris St., suffered a bad cut in his throat when he fell from a fence.  The youngster was playing a horn he had received for Christmas, when he fell, the mouthpiece cutting his throat.

     Students home for the Christmas Holidays included George Hatton, Harold Graven, Warren Langille, James Miller, Gardner Ward, William Pippy, Livingston Miller and Carl Newman.