The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

November 19th, 2014

July 10, 1952 Springhill Record Sgt. Trevor Allen Wins Military Award

     Official word has been received Monday evening by Mrs. Trevor Allen, Mechanic St, that her husband, Sgt. Trevor Allen of the Lord Strathcona Horse Guards, had been awarded the Military Medal for meritorious action under fire in Korea.

     The official communication signed by Brigadier J.W. Bishop acting adjutant-general, advised her that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth was pleased to approve the award of Military Medal to Sgt. Allen for his part in a field action on May 21st and 22nd.

    Attached was the following citation: On the 21st of May 1952, the tank dozer of “C” Squadron, Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadian), was employed in making a jeep road along a valley to the left forward company of the 1st. Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry.  The going was difficult, and as the operation was in full view of the enemy, great care had to be exercised. 

    At 1636 hours the shoulder of the road collapsed and the tank dozer slipped on its side and lost both tracks. The squadron’s armoured recovery vehicle, commanded by Sgt. Allen, reached the disabled dozer, and Sergeant Allen and his crew immediately started on a recovery jump.  It was almost at the same instant, that the recovery vehicle arrived at the dozer, heavy caliber enemy artillery began to engage the area, obviously ranging on the vehicles. 

    At 1840 hours, the enemy had the range of the recovery party and began a bombardment of the area which was continuous until darkness and thereafter intermittent throughout the night.  Due to the exposed position and the risk of serious damage to valuable equipment, Sergeant Allen kept his men working in order to speed the recovery of the dozer. 

    Three times Lieut. F.W. Chapman, the squadrons light aid detachment officer, ordered the crews to cover for protection against the heavy enemy fire.  During the time the crews were under cover, Sergeant Allen continued to link-up two cables and prepare the dozer for the pull which was necessary in order to effect recovery.  Four times the tank dozer was hit by flying shell fragments but Sergeant Allen continued with the job.  It was not until the recovery vehicle had received a direct hit and three shells had landed within four feet of the tank dozer that Sergeant Allen took cover, and as soon as the intensity of the enemy shelling seemed to diminish he immediately commenced work again. 

    This example of courage by Sgt. Allen raised the morale of the crew and inspired them in continuance of their jobs. Throughout the night, although interrupted by the enemy harassing fire, Sergeant Allen continued to lead his men in such a manner that the dozer was successfully recovered and proceeded under its own power out of the forward area at 0510 hours on the morning of 22 May, 1952. Sergeant Allen’s coolness and quick courage were an inspiration to his men.  His leadership and devotion to duty were largely responsible for the recovery of the tank dozer undamaged from a position under direct enemy observation and fire.

His Lengthy Service

     Sergeant Allen is no newcomer to the army, having served five years in World War 11, three in Canada and two overseas.  During this period he was also in the Armoured Corps, serving within Governor-General Horse Guards.  Following the cessation of hostilities he returned to Springhill where he was employed with the Cumberland Railway and Coal Company.  With the outbreak of war in Korea he again volunteered his services, signing on Aug. 9, 1950, and proceeding overseas on completion of his training.

Family Here

     Sgt. Allen married the former Geraldine Noiles of Amherst in 1944, and they have one daughter Gloria, making their home on Mechanic St.  He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Allen, Starr Street.  On Wednesday morning Mrs. Allen received a telegram informing her that her husband was now in Canada and would be arriving in Springhill either Saturday or Sunday.

Feb. 14, 1952 Local Soldier Killed In Korea - Harold C. Harrison

     Date of the death of Private Harold Carlen Harrison, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, who, at the age of 30, is the first Springhill man to lay down his life for the cause of the United Nations in Korea, has now been officially been announced as February 3rd.  His place of burial has not yet been disclosed. 

     Private Harrison had survived World War 11, in which he had served four years and eight months with the R.C.A.M.C. in England, France and Germany.

     Following his discharge from the Medical Corps, Pte. Harrison worked in lumbering mills before going to Toronto to seek employment.  It was in the queen city that he enlisted in the Special Force, August 20, 1950, for service in Korea.  He landed in Korea May 4, 1951, and would have been due for rotation leave in May of this year.

     Born in Springhill, September 29, 1921, Pte. Harrison was educated in the local schools and resided here until his enlistment for World War 11.  His father, Ottie Harrison, worked in the local mines until his retirement about two years ago.

     Surviving are his wife, the former Phillis Nolan and his daughters, Arlene, 11, and Brenda, 3, now residing in Truro, N.S.; his father, now in Glenholme, N.S.; a brother and two sisters, all of Toronto: Ronald, Muriel (Mrs. Howard Weatherbee). Grace (Mrs. Dennis Fisk); and several aunts and uncles in Springhill.  Many Springhill friends are extending sympathy to the bereavement.