The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

January 19, 2011

1931 – Bumps in Mine

Springhill Record Oct. 1, 1931

Tremendous Bumps in No. 2 Mine Shake Entire District

Springhill and the country for miles around was badly shaken by two bumps in No. 2 mine on Sunday afternoon and evening, the first at 1 p.m. and the second at 10 p.m.  The mine was badly damaged and a large number of men will be out of work as a result of the upheavals.

     The first bump was described by some as a muffled explosion.  There was no one in the mine at the time save two officials and a pumpman and they soon reported to the surface.  Crews of men were sent down to clean up the slope and turnouts in preparation for the next day’s work and they were still in the mine when it bumped again at 10 o’clock.  Fortunately no one was hurt, although shiftsmen working on the slope at the time were tossed around like chips in a gust of wind.  The second bump occasioned a great deal of concern for the men working in the mine since it was one of the worst No. 2 mine has ever experienced.  Houses shook on their foundations as the earth trembled and the shock was felt for miles around the town.

     The big bump Sunday night followed several other small bumps in the past few months but did far more damage than any other one has been responsible for.  It started at the 6300 level, in roughly 1500 feet in the bumpy section that has been encountered from time to time, and ran at an angle toward the slope.  A good deal of the 6300 level was brought in and the 6500 was completely filled from the slope turnout to the working face.  An idea of the tremendous force these bumps control will be gathered from the fact that one of the large overcast at one of the levels was smashed.  The bump extended down as far as the 6900 level where the force was expanded.

     Officials getting down the mine as soon as possible after the smash reported a great deal of gas in the mine which held up the work of cleaning up.  Gangs of men were taken into the mines Monday evening however, and the work was commenced.  The mine worked Wednesday some of the men finding places on the lower walls, but the bump has thrown quite a number out of work.

     H. Tattrie, sub-district board member, speaking to the Record, said it would be impossible to determine the length of time to clean up the levels.  Their progress would depend mostly on the condition of the roof and timber and he recalled on other bump that he helped clean up where the men only were able to make a progress of a boom a day.

     Officials of the company were in town this week to make a survey of the mine and on Wednesday Norman McKenzie, Deputy Minister of Mines for the Province, arrived and inspected the mine.

* * * *

Also in the same newspaper: Agreement Signed for Jct. Road

     A meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Springhill was held Tuesday evening.  His Worship Mayor D.M. Smith presiding.

     Councillors present were Jas. Storey, E. Johnson, D. Coleman, G. Weatherbee and A. Phillips.

     Minutes of the previous regular, special and ratepayers’ meetings were read and approved.

     The Clerk advised the Council that agreements had been signed between the Dept. of Highways and the Town for the construction of a 20 foot concrete covering on the Junction Road at the estimated cost of $29,150.00 and for the portion of standard highway below No. 6 mine at a cost of $9,000.00.

     The usual monthly accounts were read and on motion were directed to be paid.

     It was on motion decided to engage Mr. H. Leadbetter, a motor engineer, to look over the motor appliances of the town, salary limited to $4.00 a day.

     It was on motion decided to extend the sewer on Drummond Street to Pleasant Street.

     The present and future industrial outlook was discussed at some length and the Clerk directed to arrange a meeting with Mr. A. Terris, M.P.P. with a view of approaching the government if necessary, for a remedy.

Sales of Poppies

     The sum of $143.00 has been realized from the sale of poppies for Remembrance Day.  Those in charge of the sales are much gratified with the results, which will go a long way towards helping those disabled veterans who so patiently carry on the work of fashioning the bits of crimson muslin, which if not beautiful in themselves express a beauty of sentiment.  The veterans thank you!