The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

December 19th, 2012

Dec. 10, 1936 Springhill RecordOrganize All Saints’ Hospital Auxiliary

     A meeting was held at the Nurses Home of All Saints Hospital on Tuesday afternoon, December 8th, for the purpose of discussing the feasibility of organizing a Ladies Auxiliary.  Representatives of all local churches were in attendance.

     Prior to the opening of the meeting refreshments were served by members of the Hospital staff.

     Sister Anna, Hospital Supt., addressed the meeting and outlined the aims and objects of Hospital Auxiliaries.  She quoted also extracts from noted authorities on hospital work, depicting the benefits to be derived not only in the hospital but by the community, through the efforts of such auxiliaries in their endeavours to help humanity and bring relief to the suffering.

     After due consideration, it was decided to organize a group, to be known as All Saints Hospital Auxiliary.  The following officers were appointed for the ensuing year:

PresidentMiss Frances Newman

1st. Vice President Mrs. H.L. Simpson

2nd Vice President Mrs. William Carrigan

Secretary TreasurerMrs. J.H. Conway

     The annual membership fee was placed at 50c and all ladies interested in the work will be welcomed to the auxiliary.

     It shall be the duty of the auxiliary to raise funds for hospital supplies and equipment, to assist in the making up and mending hospital linens and to cooperate with the Board and Staff in any way possible to enable the Hospital to better serve the community.

     At the request of the meeting, Sister Anna, outlined some of the immediate needs of the Hospital as follows: hospital trays, dishes, chairs, extra lights for two wards, dresser scarves, bed linens, pictures for wards and nurses rooms and magazines for nurse’s library, with particular mention of Canadian “Geographic’s.

     The custom of having a donation day for the hospital has been resumed and a committee was appointed to receive donations of jams, jellies, pickles, produce or supplies on Thursday, Dec. 17th.  A committee was also appointed to conduct any interested parties all through the hospital on that date between the hours of 2-8p.m.

     The second Wednesday in January was set as the date for the first regular meeting to be held in the Nurses’ Residence at 3 p.m. and it is hoped that the initial enrollment of 22 members will be largely augmented at that time by interested members of the community.

Store Windows are Attractive

     The various local stores and places of business have been transformed to their usual Christmas setting.  Beautiful goods in lavish quantities are on display, and many charming effects and arrangements are noted.  One by one, the windows are being dressed and by another week Main Street should present a lovely appearance.

     Among the earlier displays, that of White’s Barber Shop is attracting unusual attention.  The Christmas colours of scarlet and green form a background for a snowy sparkling winter scene.  Depending from the ceiling decoration of red and green festoons is a miniature snow fall which represents an immense amount of time and work, but it is in the window that interest centres.  Here there are represented winter villages on different levels, built up and unified by miniature woods and running down to a margin of a lake.  The scene is completely electrified.  An electric railway makes it way around and over decorative little bridges.  The switch to start the train, by a happy thought, is placed on the outside of the window.  The scene is composed of tiny storybook houses and lighted from within and by decorative lamps on miniature lamp poles.

     The focal point is held by a remarkable representation of Springhill’s War Memorial.  Over the whole, floating by invisible means is Santa Claus in a tiny scarlet cutter with the traditional reindeer.

     The scene is very lovely at night and is well worth the amount of time spent on bringing it to perfection.

     All decorations used in this window display were made by the proprietor and members of his family.

1936 Prices for Christmas

At S.G. Russell’s: Gifts for Men – Schick Shaver – $16.50, Desk ink stand in glass – $1.50; Cigarette Lighters – 25c to $1.50; Electric Windshield Defroster – reg. $2.50 for $1.50.

Gifts for Women – Vanity Cases – 25c to $1.00, Overnight or weekend bags in genuine leather – 3 piece fittings - $9.50, 6 piece fittings - $13.50; musical powder box - $2.75,

Electric curling irons – 99c and $1.29; Moirs Chocolates – 50c to $3.00

For the Kiddies – Dolls 15c to $1.25; Air Rifle – single shot – 95c to $1.50; Trains on tracks – 50c to $3.50; children’s dishes – 15c to $1.25; Lg. Buck Roger’s gun with holster attachment - $1.25.

From Simpson’s – Studio Couches - $48.50; Bicycles - $29.50, Doll Prams - $2.89

At Hopkins & Herrett Groceries – Butter -2lbs. – 57c; Mincemeat 2 lbs. – 25; Moirs 5 lb. box of Chocolates – 98c; Satin Mix 2 lbs. – 25c; Fresh Eggs – 48c doz.

At Walter Scott’s Grocery – Turkeys – 37c lb.; Geese & Ducks – 30c lb and chicken – 30-35c lb.