The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

August 19, 2009

August 19, 2009– More news from 1939

Here are a few more articles from the Springhill Record dated March 2, 1939.

Injured in Mine

James P. White “Texas”, miner of number 2 colliery met with a painful accident Monday morning when he had a pick driven into his right foot which required medical treatment. White is a right-winger on the Oxford British American senior hockey team who were in the Central League this season.

High School Hockey

Black Hawks 3 – Blue Bombers 2

The first game of a three-game series for the championship of the High School Hockey League was won by the Black Hawks, Saturday morning with a score of 3-2. It was a hard fought game with the Bombers having a slight edge over their opponents the first and second periods.

The Bombers were leading at the beginning of the third period until Gerald Wilson tied the score, and Carl Merlin knocked in the winning goal.

The goals for the Hawks were scored by Carl Merlin, who shot in two, unassisted, and Gerald Wilson one, unassisted. The only goals for the Bombers were scored by Junior Richmond and Ralph Merritt. Penalties were handed out to Charles Killan (2), Leslie Gallagher and Junior Redmond. The teams were as follows: Black Hawks – John Murray, goal; Caleb Rushton, Leslie Gallagher, defence; Earl Carter, Gerald Wilson, Carl Merlin, Dick Ward, Eddie Chell, Charlie Killan, forwards.

Blue Bombers – Fraser Murray, goal; Bob McNeil, George Foster, defence; Jack McCarthy, John Miller, Carroll Choisnet, Junior Redmond, Earl King, Ralph Merritt, Reginald Calder, forwards.

Births: At All Saints Hospital, February 25 th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson, a son.

At All Saints Hospital, February 27 th, to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hibberts, a son – Henry Arthur.

Local Notes: Mr. John Tabor, Herrett Road, had his arm broken this morning in No. 2 mine. He has been admitted to All Saints Hospital. Mr. Tabor had just returned to work this morning, after being ill for the past week.

Little Hilton and Helen McNutt, children of Mr. and Mrs. Amos McNutt, who have been sick with the flu for the last two weeks, are able to be out again.

Ruth Canning, daughter of Hollis Canning, Mountain road, was quite badly injured while coasting, last Saturday.

The Isabel Simpson Heritage Centre

In 1947 the Cumberland Coal and Railway Company opened a dressing station at the mines to serve the mine workers and their families. The dressing station was the first of its kind on the North American Continent. It was introduced by the President of Dosco, Mr. A.J. Cross and the General Manager, T.G. McCall. The first doctor in charge of the station was Dr. J.E. Park and he was assisted by Miss Shirley Grant, R.N. and Miss Sylvia McGowan, R.N. The building was used as a dressing station until the close of the mines in 1958.

Over the years the building was used for many different purposes such as Economic Development and later held the office for Kim Halliday when she headed the campaign for funds for the Dr. Carson and Marion Murray Community Centre.

Last fall, the building was taken over by the Springhill Heritage Group. The group has added on to the building so that there is now more room for storage in the basement and a room upstairs to display artefacts.

The group has purchased a new reader and has all the Springhill papers which are on film, so that research can be done without going to Amherst or Sackville to look something up in the Springhill Records. You can now expect many more articles in the Record of events that happened in Springhill over the years and hopefully I will find the answers to some of the questions I have been asked from the readers of the Heritage Corner.

The Isabel Simpson Heritage Centre will be a place to learn of the history of Springhill and the people who settled here.

The Centre will open this week and will remain open until Labour Day weekend. It will be open daily from 1:30 – 4 p.m. including the weekends (the hours will be expanded when it opens in the spring). Free Admission.

Come out and see what we have done and see what you think of it.