The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

October 18, 2005

Ever wonder how the streets in Springhill got their name? Have you heard of Rogues Corner, Syndicate Road, Station Road, Back Street, or Corey’s Lane, Mills Street, Lowe Street or Fosters Lane? These are some of the old names of streets in town.

Rogues Corner was at the corner of Main & Church streets, it was known for its drunken rows on Saturday Night. This is where the Town Hall & Police Station is presently.

Syndicate Road was where the syndicate mines was and is now called Black River Road.

Station Road was so called because it was on the road to the station. It was also called Jail Road because the first jail was on this street. It is now called Lisgar St.

Back Street is the present day Drummond St., named after Robert Drummond, one of the founders and secretary of the PWA.

Cory’s Lane was named after a Mr. Cory who lived there. It was later changed to Purdy St. or Purdy Lane after A.G. Purdy who owned a large stretch of land in that area of town.

Mills Street was so named because it ran through the extension of Amos Mill’s property. The name was later changed to Gray’ Lane.

Lowe St. was the old name for Princess St. Foster’s Lane was called this because Foster’s had lived on the so many years. Later it was renamed Terris St. after a Mr. Terris who constructed some of the company houses.

Here are some of the other streets in Springhill and how they got their name. Miller Corner was named after James Miller who built the first hotel there. Main Street got its name because it was the first trail through town. Monument Hill was so named because that is where the Miner’s Monument was first situated. Herrett Road was name for the Herrett Family who first settled there.Elgin St. named after Lord Elgin, then Governor General of Canada.

Leckie St. was named for R.G.Leckie, first General Manager of the Mines. Cowan St. was also named for a General Manager of the Mines – J.R. Cowan.

McGee St was named after the man who represented the coal company when they provided the land for the Methodist Church. MacFarlane St. (old spelling Macfarlane) named Alexander

MacFarlane of Wallace. He was president of the Springhill Mining Company. MacDougall St. named after D.H. MacDougall Assistant G.M. of Dominion Coal Company. Clarence St. The part between Church & MacFarlane was first named after Clarence Langille. The part in front of the High School used to be called Russell St because the land for the school was brought from Mr. Russell. Starr St. was named after a bond holder of the company. Church St. named because of the churches built on it. Chapel St. named after a church (RC)

Pioneer St was named for the Provincial Workingmen’s Association, Pioneer Lodge No. 1, and the first miner’s organization in the province.

Junction Road was so named because it was the road leading to Springhill Junction. Aberdeen St. named after Lord Aberdeen, also had the Aberdeen Mines on it. Victoria St. was named after

Queen Victoria. Black St. was named after Martin Black. Hall St. may have been named for William Hall.

Horton Avenue was named after George Horton.