The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

May 18th, 2016

Dec. 28, 1944Springhill Record H.M.C.S. “Springhill”

    During a brief visit here last week Commander Halliday of H.M.C.S. “Springhill” expressed the appreciation of himself and his men for the many kindnesses extended the ship’s crew during the past year.  They were particularly pleased with the new library presented the ship by the citizens of the Town.  The selection of books pleased everyone and in this the Committee, working under Mayor Mason, had the capable assistance of Miss Marion Gilroy.  

    That the officers and crew of the ship are grateful for the efforts of the town folk to make life pleasant aboard is evidenced by the action of the Canteen Committee at Christmas time when a cheque for $50.00 was sent to Mayor Mason to be used among needy cases in town.

    Through the thoughtfulness of the officers and crew a happier Christmas was enjoyed by many needy families.

    Many members of the crew of H.M.C.S. “Springhill” spent Christmas in town and were well entertained.  More will be coming at New Year’s and a kindly reception awaits them.

Jan. 4, 1945Storm Causes Heavy Damage

    Monday night’s wind and rain storm was probably the worst experienced in these parts in many years.  Some sections were without light until Tuesday morning, although the repair crew of the Edison Electric worked all through the night in an effort to keep the lines repaired.  

    The lines to Miller Corner suffered the worst damage when a number of poles belonging to the Electric Light Company and the Telephone Company were broken off and fell across the road.  Further out a big tree lay across the road.  In a incredibility short time, however, both systems had been repaired and were operating, although there are a few jobs to be completed yet.  Fifty lines of the Telephone Company went out with the storm.  

    Stories have been coming in all week of damage done to property.  One party told of finding two storm doors in his yard the following morning; another had the roof blown off his garage; a visitor to Amherst told of a big barn on the outskirts of the town having been leveled.  Without a doubt it was one of the worst storms found in these parts in many years.

Storm Interrupts Ball

    Monday night’s storm interrupted the Pythian Sisters’ annual New Year’s Ball held in the Castle Hall.  There was a good attendance and the ball was at its height when the lights suddenly went out just after midnight, due to the storm which disrupted service all over town.  While some left the hall, others continued to dance in the candle light and service was resumed a little later as Mr. George Haystead had his servicemen promptly on the job.  Hostesses for the occasion were Mrs. William Lormier, Mrs. John McDonald, and Mrs. Arthur Spence.  The Acadian Orchestra provided a pleasing brand of music.  

Receives the Memorial Cross

    On Christmas Day Mrs. Earl Atkinson (Honora Ferguson) received a Memorial Cross in memory of her husband Cpl. Earl Atkinson who died of wounds, Sept. 6, 1944, in Italy.  Her brother, Spr. William Ferguson sent her a photograph of Earl’s grave in Italy; and she has received many letters of sympathy from friends from home in Canada and Overseas, including those from the King and Queen, Hon. Vincent Massey, High Commissioner to London and Mrs. Massey, Hon. J.L. Ralston; also from Brigadier (S.A.) and Mrs. Ernest Green, Saint John, N.B.

Jan. 11, 1945Proud of New Ladder

    Fire Chief Lusby Rooney and his men are mighty proud of their 60 foot aluminum extension ladder which arrived Saturday.  Some of the boys hoisted it on the Town Hall when they took it from the crate and it cleared the hall by some six feet.  It is said the ladder will weigh some 500 pounds and is one of the most modern on the market.  This leaves the department with three aluminum ladders, one 30 feet, one 45 feet, and the new 60 feet.  

    The Department is concerned over the new pumper, which was discussed at the Council meeting Friday night.  It appears the salesman has not lived up to his promises’ in getting the equipment hooked up on the truck and some difficulty has been experienced.  Even local mechanics do not seem able to handle the job and the Council has decided to send a mechanic to some other town using similar equipment to study how it is connected.


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