The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

June 18, 2008

Wed. June 18, 2008 – Official Opening of Kiosk

Did you know that: 130 years ago men from Springhill fought a war in the same area of Afghanistan as they are today; baseball has been played in Springhill since 1878; and that Peter Barrett built and owned the first bakery in Springhill on the corner of Main Street and Mechanic Street?

These are just a few examples of what you will see when you visit the Springhill Interpretative Kiosk on Main Street.

On Saturday June 7, 2008 the Official Opening of the Kiosk was held with Deputy Mayor gave welcome to those who attended and introduced MLA Murray Scott who said a few words. Next the Springhill Heritage Group President Carl Demings was introduced Carl told how he and Vice President Russell Fisher met September 8, 2006 with a committee of Councillors – Deputy Mayor Doug Dobson as Chairman and Councillor Bob Spence; Pat Boyce, Director, Inspection Services; the Mayor Guy Brown and CAO Donald Tabor were also present at the meeting but were non members of the committee.

John Kelly, Director of Operations joined the Committee at a later date.

Carl Demings then introduced the Vice President of the Heritage Group Russell Fisher

Who gave a brief description of the building of the Kiosk and hoped that this time next year we would have the Official Opening of the Isabel Simpson Heritage Centre.

Carl then told of the panels that were on the outside showing pictures of: Fire Department 1910-1912, Firemen Hance Hunter and Otis Schurman; Jesse Newman House – Mechanic Street circa 1900; Telegraph Office – Charles Pippy, Angus McKinnon and David Elliott; Fawcett’s Jewellery Store 1915; Daniel Murray Store Burned in 1895 and Peels Barber Shop,; Upper Main Street – after snowstorm and Lower Main Street circa 1901-1902. The Inside panels consist of hospitals, schools, military, mining, churches, sports and entertainment.

After getting the okay from the Town the Springhill, the Heritage Group started thinking about what it would use for the panels and a Committee was set up consisting of: Carl Demings, Russell Fisher, Audrey Ryan, Norma Reynolds and Pat Crowe. The committee worked on the panels through the winter and part of the summer of 2007.

Bruce Barton was the main contractor of the Kiosk. Gary Brown was the Inspector who volunteered his services to the Town and the Heritage Group. Donnie Harrison installed the lighting. Allison Furlong, proprietor of Rapid Print of Amherst, took the 3 in. by 5 in. picture and changed it into 4 foot by 8 foot picture. Steve Varner, Building Maintenance Superintendent and Assistant Building Inspector was in charge of the sound system as well as being very helpful to the Heritage Group in other aspects.

Helen Murray, niece of Isabel Simpson unveiled the plaque honouring her aunt Isabel Simpson. After which she thanked those responsible for carrying out Isabel’s wishes.

The plaque is inscribed as follows: In Recognition of Isabel Conway (Murray) Simpson 1900-2003

Isabel was the daughter of Colonel Daniel and Jane Budge (Conway) Murray. She was a graduate of Springhill schools, Acadia University, Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal and McGill University and followed the nursing profession for forty years.

She was active in All Saints’ Hospital Auxiliary, All Saints’ Hospital Board, Springhill Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society, Community Health Committee and the Well Women’s Clinic.

Isabel was chosen as Springhill’s Centennial Citizen of the Year in 1989. She was not only a dedicated volunteer but exemplified the vibrant spirit of Springhill residents and always found a way to tell people about the pride she had in that heritage.

Deputy Mayor Doug Dobson thanked everyone for attending and then cut the ribbon and officially opened the Kiosk.

Those attending were invited to the lower level of the Miners’ Hall where refreshments were served. There was a showing of the video on the construction of the Kiosk and a book display.