The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

December 18th, 2013

Falls Down Slope

Mar. 31, 1938Springhill Record Change in Business

     Miss Isabel MacKay, who has conducted a Millinery and Ladies Wear business in the Scott Building for the past several years, has disposed of her business to Mr. Ralph Bernick, who comes here from Truro.  The formal opening will take place next week, on Saturday, April 2, when a full line of new goods will be shown – Millinery and Ladies Wear (except shoes) and Gentlemen’s Clothing and Furnishings (except hats and shoes).  In the meantime, the present stock will be sold at bargain prices, while the layout of the store will be changed a little.

     Young Mr. Bernick is a native of Russia, who has been in this country for a number of years.  He solicits your patronage and will at all times endeavor to please you.

July 21, 1938 Falls 300 Feet Down the Slope

     Slipping as he crossed the slope at the 3800, Thomas O’Brien tumbled about 300 feet to the 4100 on Monday night.  At this point the slope dips at an angle of some 55 to 60 degrees.  Henry O’Brien who saw him fall rapped the rake to a stop which probably saved Tom’s life.  When picked up he was unconscious.  He was rushed to the hospital for treatment.  Men marveled today that the accident did not claim his life.

Local Band is Praised by the Amherst Citizens

Amherst – The Springhill Military Band which has been operated under the sponsorship of the Canadian Legion, Springhill Branch made a distinct hit in the Shiretown last evening when they gave a concert program to the largest crowd of people that has attended an open air concert in recent years.  Although weather conditions were of the worst Victoria Street and Church Street were lined with cars, while doorways of the stores were filled with people – seeking shelter from the driving rain, but still anxious to hear the program arranged by Bandmaster Thomas Barrow

     The band carried out the program as announced.  All the individual numbers were well applauded and the bandsmen at the conclusion of the concert received more personal congratulations from the audience.  Many of the musicians have been identified with band work in Springhill and have revived an enthusiasm of past years that had the mining town well established in the band circles of the Provinces.

     In his work last night as Band Director Thomas Barrow proved to be a master of instrumentation and numerous musical critics in the town had genuine praise for the thorough artistry as shown by Mr. Barrow, as well as the manner in which the band as a unit responded to his leadership.

Saved From Drowning

     Prompt action on the part of young Jimmie Harroun saved the life of a little Amherst girl, 11 year old Connie McNaulty, who narrowly escaped drowning at Heather Beach on Sunday.  Playing in the water, she thoughtlessly caught the side of a motorboat as it was moving with passengers.  She was quickly carried beyond her depth and was unable to make her way back when Jimmie Harroun seeing her in difficulty and going down, rushed to her assistance and brought her to shore, badly frightened but safe.  She has now entirely recovered from the effects of her alarming experience.  She is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Wm. McNaulty and the granddaughter of Mr. & Mrs. Jacob McNutt, Morris Street, and all of whom are quite unable to express their gratitude for her rescue.  Jimmie is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Harroun, Queen Street.

Aug. 4, 1938 Springhill to be on Sunrise Trail?

     Recent developments in the routing of the highways in Cumberland County give rise to the rumor that Springhill will be included in the route of the Sunrise Trail from Pictou to the New Brunswick border.  Tenders have been called for sub-grading the road through Roslin and Rockley from Oxford to Port Howe at the Port Philip Bridge.

     It is believed that the Highway Department in making this change have in mind utilizing the present hard surface highway from Oxford through Springhill to the New Brunswick border as a connecting link for the Sunrise Trail.  In any event the move is being welcomed in Springhill, as it will mean a hard surfaced road to the shore, and the many people of Springhill who travel back and forth to the beach in the summer will appreciate the benefit of being able to travel on a dust-free road to the shore.  It came somewhat of a surprise that the Rockley Road was being used rather than the present route of traffic through Riverview, but this is explained by the fact that there are several long bridges on the present route that would have to be replaced before heavy through traffic could be diverted on them, and the curvature and grades on the present route are considered in excess of the Rockley Road, which is comparatively straight and has less sudden grades.  Definite plans have not been announced by the Department, but it is very gratifying to know that Springhill is being connected to another highway route by a modern road.