The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

April 18th, 2013

Mine Manager’s Log Book

     In 1873 William Hall was brought from the Albion Mines in Pictou to work in the Springhill mines.  He became the first mine manager and held that job until his retirement in 1890.  The following are excerpts from his 1884 log book.

     South slope produced 4289 boxes up to the 31st August 1894.

     Lady McDonald arrived at Spring Hill about 7 p.m.  Stayed at Mr. Leckies until after 9 p.m. and walked up to her car which stood in the siding at west slope. I was invited into the car which was beautifully fit up.

     Lady McDonald went down the west slope on the 19th August 1884 and she was well pleased with her visit.

     North Slope – Horse killed on the 4th June 1884 by a coupling chain breaking and the boxes running down the slope horse passing at the time.

     9th June – Quite a number of men off work, 30 men off work today

     Horse died on the 7 June ’84 he got hurt in the mines and brought him up and died.

     Mr. Leckie and I went down the East Slope with 2 gentlemen, went into the Bigney balance, went up into No. 2 level on all sides found all right and returned from thence went into the South seam and along level and down the West Slope and into the West side to face of level and examined the fault and returned to bottom of slope and got a ride up in the boxes from thence went over to the North Slope up on bank head and finished of with a little talk about ventilation.  5th July 1884

    July 16th /84 – I went down South Slope and examined the coal and found it increasing in thickness and quality from thence into the West Slope and examined the step and found one foot of coal.

     Sept. 22nd 1884 – Quite a number of Scientists were down the West Slope companied Mr. Fielding and Mr. Pipes and other noted gentlemen from Halifax.  Those people belong to the English Association. Dr. Hineman, Mr. Alpin Inspector of Mines.

     All three slopes worked this day.

     Thomas Clarke, British American Assurance Company on the 23 June

     Sunday the 4th October 1884 – I went down the West Slope in company with Mr. LeVerne Foster, Inspector of Mines, Mr. E------, Mr. Leckie and Mr. Conway.  We went into the west side and into the tunnel into main seam from thence we went into East side along the level and up the balance into second board and from thence into the level from thence returned to surface we went down the North Slope

    26 June 1884George Simpson and Silas Simpson 2 brothers while steming the ladle (sic) the shot went of blew the contents into their faces, injured them both very much, they will both be blind for a few days

     27 JuneBig Charley the horse died in East Slope very suddenly about 4 a.m. there was no one there at the time.

     May 5th 84 George Pippy. Measurements on west slope boiler 6.10 x1.4 x14.8 3000

     May 6th - The second pump was put into South Slope while sinking slope

     Oil house wanted.  Mr. Ferguson complains about the smell of the oil.  Boarders do not like the smell    

     Commence to bore and prospect for the 13 ft. seam and West of the pit on Miller brook – 5 May 1884

     Debating Society meed in my hall on Monday night 5th of April 1884

    John Bennett got badly hurt between cars on 7 May he was hurt inwardly no bones broken

     North Slope – change was made to draw the coal from the 800 feet level instead of the 400 feet level commenced on the 13 May 84

Here are some notes taken from a Mr. Pennington’s log book in 1925.  Mr. Pennington was an official who did special work for the mines.

     Nov. 23, 1925 – No. 2 wall started today

     Nov. 5, 1925 – Pillar finished west 5400

     Nov. 6, 1925 – 6500 – water now out of mine Bord east and west

     Nov. 27, 1925 – “Bump” 5400 east

     Dec. 5, 1925  –  “Bump” 2 east 5400, 5:30 on Dec. 5

    Dec. 22Wm. Allan accident

                      Jude Arseneault – fall on slope