The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

September 17th, 2014

Aug. 8, 1940 Springhill RecordCar Accident at Pugwash

     Two local boys, Ian Price and Robert Calder, are resting today following an accident in the fog early this morning when their car failed to take the turn unto the Pugwash Bridge as the boys were approaching the town.  A dense fog was said to be responsible for their failure to see the turn.

     Robert Calder was said to be driving Ian Price’s Oldsmobile at the time of the accident.  The boys had been attending the dance at Heathers Beach and then decided to go into Pugwash where another dance was in progress.  Crashing through the railing the car crashed some twenty feet, striking a scow in the water, which was at full tide.  The right side of the car was hopelessly damaged, while the front and steering gear was badly bent.  Slipping from the scow the car settled on the sand and the water surged up to the glass on the doors. George (Do) Wilson, salesman for O’Regan’s, Parrsboro, happened along right behind the boys and took them from the water, wrapped them in rugs and rushed them back home.     

     The car itself was taken from the water at low tide this morning and is now at Claude Carter’s garage, on Lisgar St.

     Both boys are suffering from cuts, bruises and shock.  The only glass broken in the car was the left headlight and the small vent in the right front door.  The windshield was splintered but the shatterproof glass held together, probably saving the boys from further cuts.

Catches a 25 lb. Salmon

     No one could blame us for being a little envious Monday morning as Rev. J.R. Millar, Pastor of Saint Andrew’s United Church, proudly displayed a 25 lb. salmon which he had taken from the Restigouche, a favorite haunt of his during the salmon season.  What a beauty it was!  Taking the fly on his last cast of the day (or night, for he hooked the big fellow about ten in the evening, long after you could see the fly on the water), the struggle lasting about an hour as the salmon put up a grand battle.  In the canoe with Rev. Millar was his son Lieut. Livingston Millar, of the Dental Corps, and a guide.

     The Restigouche, of course, is known as the angler’s paradise.  Here U.S. millionaires gather for the seasonal fishing in water they have leased from the Provincial Government (something one cannot do in Nova Scotia), and their catches run high for the season.  I must be plenty of fun bringing in salmon that run around 25 pounds.  Besides the big one Rev. Millar and Livingston took several smaller ones.

Aug. 15, 1940Doing Her Bit

     Many women are doing big things today for our troops, but we feel we should tell you about one lady who has done more perhaps than most.  She is Mrs. Wm. Marson who lives on the Herrett Rd. Since May, Mrs. Marson has knit 23 sweaters for the boys.  If anyone can beat that we would like to hear about it.  Congratulations Mrs. Marson.  We know we don’t need to say, “Keep up the good work”.  You can bet the boys appreciate what you have done and are doing.

Tenement Gutted

     A double tenement house located on Herrett Rd. was badly gutted by fire about 3:00 p.m. Tuesday before firemen finally brought it under control.  On part of it was occupied by Ernest Butler and the other by James Roy.  Some furniture was saved and the building was partly covered by insurance, damage being estimated at about $800.00.

     Firemen also responded to a call on Monday morning for a roof fire at Charles Carmichael’s, McFarlane St.  There was only slight damage.

N.P.A.M. Move into Camp

     Local members of the Nova Scotia Highlanders, Non-Permanent Militia, under command of Major Arthur Smith, left yesterday for Aldershot, where they will begin a two weeks’ period of training.  They were issued new uniforms yesterday and looked fit and smart.  The unit is accompanied by Capt. C.J. Allbon, Jr.  The advance guard left on Tuesday. 

     Yesterday the Parrsboro Unit, in charge of Lieut. K.B. Atkinson, arrived by train to join the local unit.  Amherst and Truro Units were also proceeding to Aldershot.

Aug. 22, 1940Car Crash on Main St.

     Joseph Whalen, local resident, was sentenced to ten days as a result of a collision of a car driven by Marguerite Austin, on Main St. in front of Letcher’s GarageDouglas Wilson, who was in the car with Miss Austin, was cut in several places about the face; Miss Austin escaping with minor cuts and bruises.  Whalen was uninjured. 

     Both cars were badly damaged, the 1937 Ford driven by Whalen sustaining damages amounting to $200 while the 1934 Chevrolet driven by damaged to the extent of $150.00.

     When brought before Magistrate Lambert this morning (Thursday) and being charged with “Being in charge of a motor vehicle while under the influence of liquor”.  Whalen pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 10 days.