The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

March 16th, 2016

May 24, 1944 Springhill RecordMiss Murray Is Honored

     A reception in honor of Miss Annie G. Murray was held Friday afternoon and evening, May 19, at the home of Mrs. Duncan Campbell, to mark her retirement from the teaching profession after thirty-five years’ service which with the exception of several terms in the Canadian West has been spent on the staff of the Springhill Schools; having been for many years past a member of the High School Staff.  The quality of her work has been of the highest and she is known and held in high esteem in her profession throughout the province.  Miss Murray is the eldest daughter of the late Col. D. Murray and Mrs. Murray.

     More than 200 hundred guest availed themselves of the opportunity of calling to offer their good wishes; the felicitations being expressed also in many letters and messages, and in the presentation of gifts.  Miss Anna J. McKenzie received with the guest of honor.  The atmosphere of the Campbell home was delightful and the rooms lovely with flowers – sweet peas in the dining room; several bouquets of pale pink carnations with baby’s breath; snapdragons, roses and daffodils; and potted petunias in white and rose, throughout the rooms

     Early in the afternoon, at 3 o’clock, Principal E.S. Boran, on behalf of the Springhill Teachers, presented Miss Murray with a Tea Wagon and a cut glass bowl.  At 4 o’clock, Chairman M.R. Anderson, on behalf of the School Board, with a Desk Set, in onyx, of two Parker Vacuum Pens.  In the evening at 7 o’clock, there was a third presentation – a dainty gold necklace from her Grade X1 pupils, the presentation being made by Audrey Matthews.  She was presented also with beautiful flowers and other individual gifts.

     Mrs. Douglas Campbell and Mrs. E.S. Boran presided at the tea table, afternoon and evening respectively.  Serving were teachers representing High, West End, Junction Road and Elgin Schools.  The refreshments were especially dainty and included a wonderful cake (by Lanes) twenty-one inches in diameter beautifully iced and decorated.

    Included among the guest were a number from out of town: School Inspector B.R. Hall and Mrs. Hall, Miss Allen and Miss O’Regan, Parrsboro; Miss Louise Murray, New Glasgow; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Tingley, Miss Winnie Moss, Miss Laura Martin, Amherst; Flying Officer Willis Trowbridge of the R.C.A.F.  A large number of High School pupils were present and also former pupils.

     The occasion marked very fittingly its purpose of paying honor to Miss Murray who has given of herself her time, and her fine talents so generously, not only in her work in the schools, but to the community in general.  Many friends will unite in extending all good wishes for the coming years.

     Presentation address read by Mr. Boran on behalf of the Teachers.

  1.    Springhill, N.S.

  2. May 19, 1944

  3. Dear Miss Murray:

  4.      On this the formal occasion of your leave taking from us, we wish to attempt to express to you our feeling briefly but sincerely.

  5.      We shall miss you.  The energy, thoroughness and fidelity which you have shown in undertaking your duties are rare, and which our School will find difficult to replace. 

  6.      Our Teachers Union, also, will miss your capable leadership.  Under your guidance we have had this year a very successful and pleasant series of meetings, the excellence of which will serve to inspire our presidents in the years to follow.  We appreciate the planning and effort you have expended in realizing this achievement.

  7.     We have only one consolation at this time of separation.  We know that wherever you are, and we hope it isn’t far from us, you will continue to use your talents for making your community a place more in accord with the exacting demands of your good judgement and high standards.

  8.      We part, then, with the hope we will continue to work with you in the future, if not in the same capacity as in the past, then in other fields where we can benefit from your experience, your foresight and your high sense of values. 

  9.      In closing, please accept from us a tangible evidence of our respect and esteem in the form of this gift which so inadequately expresses our feelings on this occasion.

  10. Springhill Teachers


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