The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

March 16th, 2011

Local Items from 1900

The Springhill Advertiser 1900 – Local Items etc

Feb. 28 – We are informed that A.E. Fraser intends to erect a new Opera House here on the lot on Elgin Street this summer.  This is badly needed as the Parish House is too small for entertainment.

Mar. 7 – 7 Don’ts for our society young men

1. Don’t on any occasion speak a few words to the chaperon at a ball.

2. Don’t dance with a young lady at whose home you have been entertained as it would not be expected of you.

3. Don’t see young ladies home from parties that break up at 3 a.m.  It is very much nicer to let them find their way home alone.

4. Don’t make a party call – it would be rude to do so.

5.  Don’t forget to dance attendance on those who have done the least for you.

6.  Don’t, when at a party, take another fellow’s collar, provide your own.

7.  Don’t, when at a party, think of asking a young lady during the evening, at supper or during the last dance, if you may have the pleasure of seeing her home, wait until she gets outside the gate and halfway down the road, then run.

Mar. 21- Lizzie Landrekan, a child of the age of 8 years, passing along Main Street on Saturday last, was run over by two teams returning home from a funeral; beyond a mere scrape over one ear and considerable fright no serious injury was done the little one.

     The Scott Act case brought by the Inspector of Sackville, N.B. against the agent of the Dominion Express Company in that town, resulted in a conviction.  He was fined $50 and cost.  The liquor was proven to have been sent by express c.o.d. from the Amherst express agent, to the agent in Port Elgin and collect the price of $10.  The way bill was stamped Whiskey, and this was known to the agent at the time of delivery of the goods.  Squire Cahill, before whom the case was tried, found that the sale was not complete until delivery was made at Port Elgin but, as the act forbids, directly or indirectly any sale within the limits of the County, of intoxicating liquors, the agent was liable in completing the sale.  The usual fine was entered up against the company.  The case has been appealed to the Supreme Court.

Born: At Springhill, Mar. 14, to the wife of H. Stonehouse, a daughter

          At Springhill, Mar. 16, to the wife of John Patton, a daughter

          At Springhill, Mar. 16, to the wife of John Dixon, a daughter

          At Springhill, Mar. 16, to the wife of John Martell, a son

          At Springhill, Mar. 17, to the wife of James McGowan, a daughter

          At Springhill, Mar. 19, to the wife of George Canning, a daughter

Robert Wallace of Springhill Junction took carbolic acid by mistake yesterday.  He is now in a dangerous condition.

     A 100 barks of maple wax just arrived at E. McKenzie’s today.

James E. Fraser was the lucky winner of Embree’s cow.  It cost him 9 cents.

     The three Springhill boys Thompson Ryan, Cosman McTaggart and John Kent, charged with breaking, with intent to enter the store of A.G. Purdy, at Springhill, on Mar. 3, were this morning tried before Judge Morse and bound over on their own good behavior to appear for trial if called upon and also to pay the damage done. –Sentinel

Mar. 28 – If you owe us a dollar for the Advertiser, do not sleep until you have sent it to us.  We need cash to carry on our business.

Died: At Springhill, Mar. 25, Gertie Porter, aged 5 weeks, infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs. George Porter

           At Springhill, Mar. 27, Mary B. Blue, aged 5 mos., infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Alex Blue

     Since the Intercolonial Railway was built, this is the first winter the trains have passed through to Halifax that the snow plough has not been used, and but once, from the Junction to Moncton, N.B., nor are they likely to be brought into requisition this winter, which will be the first time on record.

     If you want an all night Electric Light service attend the town meeting tonight.

     W.W. Black, of this town, who was tried at Amherst yesterday on the charge of passing counterfeit money was acquitted as nothing could be proven.

     Parties who owe us for the Advertiser should send in their dollar as we need all the cash we can get to live.  Some of our subscribers expect us to live on wind.

     Warren Dick, in the employ of A.L. Somers blacksmith, while at work shoeing a horse on Wednesday last, had his eye badly injured by a flying piece of steel.  He left by the next train for the Victoria General Hospital where he had his eye taken out yesterday.