The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

July 16th, 2014

Nov. 30, 1939Springhill RecordRussell’s Open Basement

     Mr. S.G. Russell has made a big improvement in his place of business with the recent addition of a basement which has been painted white and now presents a very attractive appearance.  The new basement has been stocked with various classes of goods which permits a larger showing than was possible under his previous conditions.  New counters make the displaying of goods much easier and more attractive.  Upstairs a partition has been removed which adds to the appearance of the store and convenience to the public.  The enlarged quarters will enable Mr. Russell to expand his business and the Record joins with his friends in wishing him success as he branches out.

Car Occupants in Narrow EscapeParrsboro, N.S., Nov. 28th

     A serious accident, and one that could have been fatal, occurred on Friday evening about two miles from town, when a Springhill car returning from Economy and failing to make a small turn on the main highway, crashed the end of a small bridge, and turned over in a deep ditch.  The sides of the ditch supported the wheels of the overturned machine probably adverting a tragedy. 

     Five of the occupants, three Springhill boys and the Misses Ruth and Geraldine Phinney of this town received severe cuts from the broken glass.  The other occupant Miss Evelyn Anderson escaped with minor injuries.  An ambulance was rushed to the scene and the two Phinney girls were brought to their home here.  Geraldine suffered severe facial cuts, while Ruth is suffering from a back injury the extent of which as yet has not been ascertained.  The Springhill boys were able to return to their homes after receiving medical attention here.  The car, a V-8 sedan, was practically a wreck.

Editor’s Note - The car referred to in the above news story coming out of Parrsboro, was owned by Herbert Finley of this town.  On the occasion of the accident it was being driven by his brother, Garnet Finley.

Dec. 7, 1939Local Boy Heads Band

     The following announcement in the Halifax Herald on Dec. 2nd  will be of interest to Springhill people generally. 

     “Beginning next Wednesday Trevor Jones and his Nova Scotians will play twice weekly at the Nova Scotian supper dances.  Mr. Jones, whose orchestra was recently formed of a number of outstanding local musicians, has had wide musical experience, both in direction and composition.  Seven of his own numbers have been published and featured by such well known orchestra leaders as Paul Whiteman and Fred Waring.

     Through the kindness of the late Rev. Dr. Robert ----wood (unable to read name) Mr. Jones was able to study harmony and composition as an organist of St. Bartholomew’s Church New York.  His was the first American orchestra ever to play in Helsingfors, Finland, in 1927 and he was musical director of Broadway Scandals, a New York Revue which played in Havana

     He and his orchestra, every member of which is a native of Nova Scotia, will make their official debut, with the Kiwanis Club Anniversary Dance and Cabaret Supper at the Hotel on Monday evening.  Mr. Jones is a member of the club.”

     Mr. Jones, who was born in Springhill, is the older son of Mrs. Moses Jones and the late Mr. Jones, both talented musicians, in piano and violin respectively.  The late Mr. Jones organized and conducted “All Saints Orchestra” in 1893 with Mrs. Jones, then Miss Lena Pugh, as pianist.  Trevor showed a marked musical ability as a very small boy and many here will be pleased to hear of his continued success.  He married a number of years ago, Miss Sally Catherine Vainio of Finland.

Dec. 14, 1939Escorted Out of Town

     Local Police Officers got a little satisfaction out of the affair Wednesday morning as they escorted Pte. George McDonald (otherwise Michael McIntyre or Rupert Kane) to the Junction and told him to get going.  This was the lad who was supposed to have been struck by a green sedan Monday night on the Junction Road and knocked unconscious.  His groans attracted the attention of Wm. Jackson’s family who called police and had the man removed to the Hospital.  He failed to regain consciousness all night and his condition was thought to have been serious.  Officer McDonald was order out on special night duty just to keep an eye on him, while the Chief contacted Amherst to watch for a green sedan and placed his own men at strategic points in an effort to pick up the hit – and – run driver. 

     The search widened and on Tuesday the Chief discovered that Pte. “Whoosit” had hurriedly left the St. John Hospital where he was recognized by a visiting Officer.  It was reported he had spent some time in the Nova Scotia Hospital at Dartmouth.  It was learned from Saint John that the soldier boy was quite an actor and when the heat was turned on it was found he had just been putting on a show here in order to get a good bed for the night.  He was permitted to remain at the Hospital until Wednesday when he was told by the Police “get going”.