The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

February 16, 2011

The Quick Lunch Counter & other news

The Citizen, Sept. 29, 1990 - Echoes From Yesterday – by Elaine Mont

     The Scrambled Pies Eatery

     Roy Durling, Springhill once had a lunch counter where the Royal Canadian Legion Memorial Hall is today.  Called “The Quick Lunch Counter”, it could seat twelve customers at a time.  It was a very popular eating place in the mining town.  Right next to this lunch counter was a huge lumber pile, owned by Baldwin Ryan.

     After awhile, Mr. Durling decided he wanted to move his lunch counter to Main Street.  He secured the site which is now occupied by the Miner’s Monuments.  Above this site was the old Pioneer Hall, and below it was Sprague’s big house.

     In order to move the lunchroom, it was mounted on four mowing machine wheels.  The fully equipped lunch room had only gone a few hundred feet when it suddenly tipped over on its side.  Two men, who are senior citizens today, recall being treated to a free lunch of scrambled pies that day!

     Eventually, this lunch room was sold to Bill Merritt who moved it out to the west end, across from the Herrett Road School.

     In 1965 I watched this Mr. Merritt celebrate his 76th birthday by skating all evening in the rink with Fred Hawker, a youngster who was celebrating his 73 birthday!  Later in that evening Mr. Merritt told me a lot of interesting tales about this “travelling lunch counter.”  He recalled the “scrambled cream pies episode” as one of this lunchroom’s “real specials”!

The Springhill Record – September 12, 1963 - ’20 Years Ago’

     Hundreds attended the Decoration Day Service at Hillside Cemetery on Sunday with Rev. W.H. Rackham as guest speaker.  It was a sunny afternoon and the turnout was excellent.  The Canadian Legion band headed the parade followed by the Springhill Police Department, members of the “D” company under Lieut. G.C. Burden, local branch of the Canadian Legion, Springhill Fire Department, Knights of Pythias, Oddfellows, Orangemen, Boy Scouts of Wesley, All Saints and St. David’s.

     When janitor John McIsaac opened the door of the Elgin Street School this morning at 7:45 this morning he was met by a gust of smoke which filled the building. Fortunately the fire was confined to the wood pile next to the coal bin and was just breaking into flame. It was quickly extinguished.

     All mines are tied up today following a disagreement between the Officials and the company hands over a change of policy.

     Her Majesty and the Lord Mayor of London have sent wires to Canada expressing thanks for the contribution of a $50,000 gift to the Queen’s Fund.  In Springhill contribution to the Queen’s Fund rose to $5,519.09.

     Sunday September 19th has been set aside for the celebration of the 68th anniversary of the founding of Presbyterianism in Springhill, and the 18th anniversary of the forming of the St. David’s Congregation.  In 1929 the Presbyterians completed and dedicated their small but beautiful church on the corner of Junction Road and Queen Street.  Rev. Murray Y. Fraser is the minister.

     During the past week the Italian Navy surrendered.  This was interpreted as an omen that other Europeans will rise up against their Nazi masters and welcome the Allied troops.

     Under the chairmanship of Mr. H.N. Soley plans are being made for Canada’s 5th Victory Loan in Springhill which opens in Springhill on October 18th.  The bond issue will be for $1,200,000.00.

     In the baseball world the Fencebusters won the fifth and deciding game from the New Glasgow Jewellers Bombers on the Westville by a score of 4-0 behind the pitching of Leonard Boss.  It was a terrific game.

     A letter from Mrs. J.A. Sutherland announced that she had christened and launched the frigate H.M.C.S. “Springhill” at Vancouver, B.C.  Present at the ceremony was Lieut. James. O. Frairbanks, RCVN and Mrs. Fairbanks, Capt. Rogers, a grandson of the late Daniel Rogers, Doris Stevenson, from Seattle; Mrs. Ouimette, the former Leona McPherson; Mrs. F. Dogherty, daughter of the late Wm. B. Terris and Mr. Murdock, son of the late Walter Murdock.

     Forty boxes of chocolate bars placed on sale by Hyatt’s Monday lasted only one hour and ten minutes.  The bars were in demand for overseas boxes.