The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

April 16th, 2014

Jan. 12, 1939Springhill RecordShould Build Pond at Upper Pond

     The open winter has been joyously received by the youngsters who like skating.  The rink, the fields and the ponds are well patronized.  In this connection we would suggest that something be done to raise the water level in the upper pond where a splendid piece of ice could be made for the children of the West End. All that would be required would be to build a small dam at the outlet.  Part of the bank there could be used for this purpose and if a few of the unemployed were put to work there a good improvement could be effected in a couple of days.  When the town truck is not too busy hauling coal a few loads of fill might be dumped into the opening to speed up the work.

     The Record would recommend that the Street Committee take this suggestion under consideration.  A good sheet of ice at the ponds tends to keep the children off the streets and at the same time helps to develop them physically.  Anything that can be done should be done quickly.

Councillors Resigning? – Pointing out that he found it difficult to work with Mayor A.W. Davidson, Councillor Rector informed The Record yesterday that he had intended to resign his seat on Council at the expiration of his first year.  Councillor Fowler has already expressed his intention of quitting and it is understood that Councillor Nelson will follow their lead.  As the other three members’ terms are up this year, this will leave a complete new slate of Councillors to be elected next month.

Unique Situation – Such a procedure if followed out will create a rather unique situation in local political circles and one that may not be altogether in the best interest of the town. 

Ratepayers Party Needed – For the past year there has been much clamor over the manner in which Town affairs have been conducted.  There has been a distinct lack of leadership which has been discouraging both to the Councillors as well as the citizens.  The best interest of the Town might be served if the Mayor added his resignation and went back to the people for endorsation of his stewardship of the past year.

Feb. 2, 1939Moves Toward New Hospital; Planning For Free Treatment

     Springhill will have a new hospital if present plans reach maturity.  At a meeting of the Hospital Board presided over by Dr. H.L. Simpson and representatives of the United Mine Workers, Wednesday evening, plans were discussed to have the miners contribute 25 cents per week towards free hospital treatment.  The Dominion Coal Company has already moved to make an annual contribution to the Hospital of $1100.oo.

     Those present at the meeting on Wednesday included Dr. H.L. Simpson, Chairman of the Hospital Board; Messrs. E.B. Paul; Ed Green; Wm Graven; Harman Carrigan and Rev. W. M. Knickle.  The miners were represented by Messrs. Robert Wilson; Howard Tattrie and Tom Nicholson.  Messrs. Ed Emberly, District Board Member, Wm. Mackie, President of the U.M.W. and Guy Demings, although, members of the Committee appointed by the Miners last week, were unable to be in attendance. 

     The contract suggested by the Hospital Board is along the same lines as that in operation in Glace Bay.  It is understood it covers three months’ treatment at any one time for members and their families.  This includes medicines, dressings, etc.  A special small charge will be made for X-Ray work to cover operator charges.

     Representatives of the Miners are enthusiastic over the proposal submitted by the Hospital and while the matter will come before the Union Saturday morning, it is expected discussion will be held over for a general meeting of employees on Sunday, Feb. 12. 

     It has been known for some time that the Hospital Board has been moving quietly towards the erection of a new hospital.  The present building is neither large enough nor suitable for the present activities being carried on.  Some time ago the Board purchased a large tract of land just south of the present building and since that time has been working on plans for raising money for a new institution which will better serve the needs of the community.  The approach to the Union is but another step in financing which will require a considerable amount of money.