The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

September 15, 2010

Bottling Works

While looking through some old newspapers at the Isabel Simpson Heritage Center the other day I came across this article which I thought might be of interest to anyone interested in the history of Springhill.  It is from the Spring Hill Record and Mining Journal dated May 9, 1925 and is about the first “pop” manufacturing in Springhill.

New Bottling Works for Springhill

The Record man, when making his rounds this week, paid a visit to Mr. John Crutchley, Pioneer Street, who has recently installed apparatus for the preparation and bottling of aerated waters.  Mr. Crutchley is not new to the business, having been for some years engaged in Amherst in producing summer beverages.  After dissolution of partnership, Mr. Crutchley came to Springhill, where he has been a resident for a number of years.

     Mr. Crutchley’s bottling plant was purchased from Wilson and Cousins, Manufacturers’ Toronto and is now producing by the use of extracts, principally high class fruits, carefully proportioned, thoroughly mixed and flavored, then bottled with hermetically compressed caps, which guarantee to deliver the contents in fresh and perfect condition.

     The list of goods Mr. Crutchley is producing included Ginger Ale, Iron Brew, Cream Soda, Root Beer, Belfast Ginger Ale, Special Dry Ginger Ale, Ginger Beer, Port Beer, Hop Ale and Orangeade.

      In preparing the above list of bottled goods, Mr. Crutchley has provided modern bottle washing tanks, which guarantee absolute cleanliness.  The content of each bottle when delivered to a customer can be relied on to be the best made, superior in taste, flavor and aroma to anything now in this province.  When poured from the bottle into a drinking glass that is clean there are no unhealthy results to the drinker.  He is indeed benefited, because of the refreshment produced, invigorated and given keen appetite.  Perfectly pure water, natural fruit juices, finest sugar and flavorings in the most approved

Selections made Mr. Crutchley’s manufacture things that appeal to the public and satisfy in every respect.

Other news from the same newspaper:

Winnipeg Army and Navy Veterans Send Contributions to Springhill Comrades

     Mayor H.E. Gates of Halifax, Dominion Vice-President of the Army and Navy Veterans in Canada writing to Mr. John Murray, Secretary of Springhill Branch G.W.V.A. on Saturday last, enclosed a money order for $100.00 to be used for assisting ex-soldiers to whom the strike has brought hardship.

     The contribution was sent forward by the Winnipeg Branch of the Army and Navy Veterans to Major Gates, to be distributed at his discretion and Mayor Gates thoughtfully forwarded it to Springhill.

     The generous action of the Winnipeg Veterans is more than appreciated by local ex-service men.  It is proof that the army spirit of share and share alike holds good in times of peace as well and it is an indication of why the boys stuck together through all the discomforts of soldiering and afterwards.

     The amount has been added to the G.W.V.A. Relief Fund.

     Springhill Horsemen are getting in shape for the opening of the Trotting Park in May 24th.  A steel drum roller filled with four tons of concrete will completed this week and with two double teams hooked into the ugs (first letter of this word missing) will soon be busy rolling the track into perfect shape.

     At Murray’s Groceries -    New Cabbage -  9 c  lb.; Oranges – 45c doz.; large grapefruit – 12 c each; Boneless smoked herring – 22 c ea.; boxed herring – 25 c; lobster paste – 14 c; lobsters – 40c can; Snacks – 3 for 25c.

     At the Opera House on Monday Night – The Man Life Passed By followed by the comedy Meet the Missus; On Wednesday and Thursday – The Age of Desire and The Go Getters.  Friday and Saturday we have the Western Flashing Spurs and the comedy Bull and Sand.

     Other store with ads included: Sprague’s Shoe Store, D. Murray & Co., McLeod’s’ Men’s Wear, Saffron’s, Cliffe’s Shoe Factory, McLellan Bros. Limited, E. Hyatt’s, and John Wilson.

SHG News

    The Springhill Heritage Group held its first fall meeting on Tuesday Sept. 7th.  A discussion was held on the events of the summer at the museum.  We also welcomed three new members.  Next meeting is Sept. 21st. at the Isabel Simpson Heritage Centre at 7pm.  New members are welcome.