The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

October 15th, 2014

Oct. 10, 1940Springhill Record
Town Will Continue Use of Police Car; 181 Protest Purchase

     Mayor A.B. Wilson presided over the regular meeting of the Council held Friday evening with all members of the Council in attendance.  Owing to other duties, our reporter was not able to be in attendance at this meeting and the report is therefore compiled from the records of the Town.

Donate to Blind Fund - The Town contributed its usual donation of $100.00 to the Canadian National Institute of the Blind.

Confirm Further Treatment – The Council agreed to furnish a further three months’ treatment for William Powell in the Kentville Sanatorium.

Seek Cooperation – A letter from the Supt. of the R.C.M.P. sought the cooperation of the Town Police Force.  This was agreed to providing that infringements within the Town be taken care of by the local force.

Would Hold Up Expenditures – On motion of Councillors Kennedy and Angus McKay it was resolved “That the Council ordain that no committee of the Council or any other person or persons shall have powers henceforth to contract bills against the Town of Springhill or to authorize any expenditure whatsoever which has not already been ordered by the Council as a whole, with the exception of cases of emergency which can not possibly lay over until a special meeting of the Council is called, without first having received separate and definite sanction of the proposed expenditure by the Council as a whole at either a regular or special meeting.”

     The motion was lost when the other four Councillors voted against it.

Protest Purchase of Police Car – A resolution was presented, signed by 181 residents; against the purchase of a police car. 

     A motion by Councillors Kennedy and A. McKay to hold a plebiscite on this question was lost.

Report On Police Car – The report on the operation of the police car from Sept. 23 to Oct. 8 showed there had been 27 violations of the Motor Vehicle Act, 22 fines had been paid amounting to $215.00.  Five have yet to appear.  The car travelled 409 miles and used 29.1 gallons of gas at a cost of $9.09. 

     A motion by Councillors Noiles and McPherson that the car be hired until the next meeting of the Council was carried, Kennedy and A. McKay voted against the motion.

Place Stop Signs – Council requested the Traffic Authority to see that stop signs were placed on Drummond and Pioneer Streets.

Labor Leaders’ Property Sold

     The old battle between the United Mine Workers and former A.M.W. men broke out again Saturday when a Sheriff’s sale was held in front of the Town Hall with Sheriff Shipley offering for sale two properties said to belong to Bruce Hyatt and another property said to belong to William Mackey, to satisfy a judgment held by Messrs. James Johnstone, Harlan Pettigrew, Charles Harrison, Arthur Simons and James Collumbine.

     About 150 persons were in attendance, but bids came from only a few interested parties.  James Fairbanks represented the U.M.W. and those who held incumbrances on the properties. V.B. Fullerton, K.C., of Parrsboro, represented the former A.M.W. members.

     The Bruce Hyatt property on Victoria Street sold to Harlan Pettigrew for $215.00, while the lot on Elgin Street also went to Pettigrew for $50.00, although the ownership of the latter is claimed by other parties.

     James Fairbanks purchased the Mackey lot on Pioneer Street for $10.00 subject to an outstanding mortgage and taxes.

Second Accident

     Mrs. Jack Brown will have the sympathy of friends in her second serious accident.  Recovering from a broken hip, she had been making good progress, especially during the past week.  Yesterday at tea time a crutch slipped on the floor and she had a very bad fall.  Plates showed the mending bone unharmed, but she was badly shaken and one thumb which apparently received her weight was broken open and dislocated.  There was also some injury to a knee.  She was removed again to All Saints Hospital where she had recently spent several months.  It is hoped she will be able to return home again in a few days, depending on the extent of her injuries, which is not as yet altogether apparent.

Oct. 31, 1940Paying For Windows

     Six children whose ages range from eight to thirteen years were rounded up by Police recently for breaking 32 windows in the Herrett Road School.  The parents of these children are paying for the damage done which amounted to $22.  This is the first time the Police have been able to contact the parties responsible for the epidemic of broken windows in the Herrett Road School and it is to be hoped this form of entertainment may be permanently checked.  Hundreds of windows have been broken in this school in the last few years.