The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

June 15th, 2016

Mar. 1, 1945 Springhill Record - Big Season for Park

     Victoria Driving Park will have a busy season this year if plans now being formulated by the Committee in charge of the park are brought to a successful conclusion. At a meeting last Sunday a number of enthusiasts were added to the former executive which was re-elected:

President - Harry Fox

Vice-President - W.E. Murray

Sec. Treasurer - C.R. Murray

Executive - H.S. McLeod, S. Kennedy, R. Clark, J. Hunter, Chas. Paul,                          F. Schurman, W. Lormier, Hal Stonehouse

Barn Committee – Lee Carter, H. Bowden, Doug Nelson, Ross Canning

Victory Loan – W. McSephaney, E. MacFarlane, Fred Beaton, Earl Austin, L.A. Dick, Stewart Fraser,

Flower Committee – Harry Fox, W.E. Heffernan, H.S. McLeod

Apr. 5, 1945Jimmy Demetre Hears From Mother

    Jimmy Demetre was excited the other day when a telegram arrived from his sister in Greece in answer to one he had sent asking about his mother whom he had not heard from since 1940.  He was delighted to learn that his mother and sister were alive and well but they needed clothing and money.  Jimmy has always been active in keeping the needs of the Greek people before the public and was active in collecting money and clothing for them in the last few years.  His mother is 87 years of age.

Apr. 12, 1945 Plan Victory Celebrations

     The following representatives from local societies met in the Firemen’s room on Monday evening, April 9th, at the request of Mayor A.J. Mason to discuss the coming V-Day celebration.  Organizations represented: 

Ministerial Association – Rev. D.A. MacKinnon, Rev. Geo. Archibald, Rev. W.M. Knickle

Lady Queen Victoria True Blues – Mrs. Lloyd Murray and Mrs. Duncan Brown

Daughters of England – Mrs. Margaret Marshall, Mrs. Stanley Hunter and Mrs. E. Moody

Teachers Association – Miss Katherine Campbell

Fire Dept. – L.B. Roney, E.B. Paul, H. McSavaney

I.O.O.F. – Chas. Embree

U.M.W. of A. – Audrey Osmond

Town of Springhill – A.J. Mason, Roach McKay

N.P.A.M. – Col. C.J. Allbon, M.C.  – Major G.C. Burden

Knights of Columbus – Edgar Cormier, Rod Johnson

Board of Trade – W.C. Wilson

     The Ministerial Association informed the gathering that it is their intention to hold services in their churches at 7:30 on the day that word is received of the cessation of hostilities in Germany, provided this news is received before 6 p.m. and that a Community Service of all denominations will be held the following morning at All Saints Church.

     Should the news come after 6 p.m. any day, the services of all churches will not take place until the following day.

     On motion by Rod Johnson, seconded by C.J. Allbon, the following committee was appointed to draft a program for the celebration and submit the names of various committees, such as decoration committee, parade committee, Victoria park celebration committee, and that this committee report back to another meeting to be held in the Town Hall, Monday April 16th at 7:30 p.m.

     The names of the Committee are – The Mayor, W.C. Wilson, Major G.C. Burden, Mr. E.S. Boran, Mr. Jack Hannah

     It was also recommended that all societies send representation to the next Monday’s meeting which will be held in the Fireman’s room at 7:30 p.m.

May 3, 1945Outline V.E. Day Program

     Following the announcement of Victory in Europe, which is expected any day now, it is proposed to observe a period of Thanksgiving as follows, and all citizens of Springhill and vicinity are invited to cooperate in making this a suitable and worthy recognition of the occasion. 

FIRST – On V day services of thanksgiving will be held in all the churches at times already arranged for and announced.

SECOND – On the day following V Day, which is to be declared a public holiday, a Victory Parade will be held from the Miners’ Hall to the Park at the foot of Main Street where short addresses will be given by returned members of the Forces.  The parade will commence at 3 p.m. and the Order of Procession is arranged for is as follows:

1. Canadian Legion Band

2. School Children

3. Boy Scouts and Girl Guides

4. Ambulance Brigade and Civilian Orders

5. Reserve Army and Cadets

6. Canadian Legion and Returned Men

7. Fire Department

8. Decorated Cars and Floats, if any

The program to be carried out at the Park will be as follows:

1. O Canada

2. Prayer – Re. W.C. Knickle

3. Remarks by Mayor A.J. Mason

4. Brief Addresses by Members of the Forces

5. Prayer – Dr. H.T. Gornall

6. Hymn – Oh God our Help in Ages Past

7. Benediction

8. God Save The King

     In the evening at 7 o’clock a Public Service of Thanksgiving will be held in All Saints Anglican Church to which all citizens are invited.  If plans, to be arranged by the Dominion Government require it, this service will be held at 8:15 on Sunday following V Day, in which case the change of time will be announced.

     At 9 o’clock in the evening of the day after V Day there will be a display of fireworks and a bonfire in the park under the direction of a committee of citizens. This will be especially for the children.


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