The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

September 14th, 2016

Sept. 6, 1945 Springhill RecordA Message to The Citizens

  1. Dear Citizens: -

  2.      The Second World War has been brought to an abrupt end by the capitulation of the Japanese Empire.  The end came much sooner than anticipated by the professional militarist and the average layman.  While we may all rejoice in this glorious victory the sudden termination of hostilities has brought with it problems which may be faced by the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments and most particularly by each individual citizen.

  3.      To our boys and girls who served in our various services we owe a debt of gratitude for their valiant courage and sacrifices in playing so value a part in this Allied Nation’s Victory. 

  4.      The people of Springhill recognize the splendid services rendered by our fighting men and women and are desirous to further honor them by a presentation of a token of appreciation in the form of a suitable engraved certificate.  This recognition and appreciation is being prepared at the request of your Town Council for presentation to each individual warrior on behalf of the Citizens of Springhill.

  5.      The most favorable method of making this presentation appears to be in the form of a Banquet, but we do realize that there is not a building big enough to accommodate the several hundred of our service men and women at one banquet, therefore it was thought advisable to hold several banquets during the next few months until this very pleasant task has been completed.

  6.      The Armouries, being the largest building in town, will be made available for these functions in order to accommodate some 200 or more veterans at each banquet sitting.  It is deemed advisable to hold the first banquet some time the latter part of this month to take care of the Veterans who have already returned home.

  7.      The task of successfully carrying out this task is not a small one and in order to do justice to our veterans, and preserve the past traditions of loyalty and appreciation on the part of the Town of Springhill and its citizens, service clubs, fraternal societies and the town officials in forming the several committees necessary to carry out this work successfully. 

  8.      I am, therefore, Mr. and Mrs. Citizens, members of the various societies to attend a meeting to be held in the Town Hall Friday evening September 14, at 7:30 p.m. for a general discussion of the proposals submitted, and I hope the formation of several committees necessary to carry out this program. 

  9.      Will you please make it your business to attend because we need a large representation of citizens at this meeting.

  10. A.J. Mason.

  11.         Mayor

Sept. 20, 1945Dies in Japanese Prison Camp

     Mr. Myles Roblee, received official word this week concerning his only son Lloyd Logan Roblee, a Prisoner of War, at Hong Kong.  The message was as follows:

  1.      “F40325 Rfmn Lloyd Logan Roblee, previously reported as a prisoner of war in Japanese hands is now officially reported to have died on the Twenty-first of April, 1944, whilst in captivity, caused of death not known.”

     The story goes back to Lloyd’s enlistment in March, 1940, soon after his eighteenth birthday, with the West Nova Scotia Regiment.  He trained at Camp Borden, Newfoundland and Quebec transferring to the Royal Rifles of Canada in January 1941and leaving for Hong Kong on Remembrance Day, 1941.  He was taken prisoner on the fall of the British stronghold to the Japanese on Christmas Day, 1941 as the Canadian aided the British and Indian group comprising the Hong Kong Garrison – a hopeless defence, under heavy odds.

     It was not until August 1941 that word was heard of Lloyd, then it came through the High Commissioner for Canada, in South Africa, stating he was prisoner of war.  Communications have been intermittent and infrequent, the last being an undated card received last week, a few days prior to the sad news received on Monday.  He was not quite twenty when taken prisoner.  The whole community has been saddened by the definite news and much sympathy is being felt for Mr. Roblee.  Many are remembering the boy who went away.  His life for more than three years, will never be known, but now he is safe.


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