The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

May 14, 2008

May 14, 2008 – E.A. Potter Family

Edward Austin (E.A.) Potter was born in Windsor, Nova Scotia on February 12, 1855, the son of Joseph and Harriett (Toye) Potter. Edward married Susie Jane McLellan on June 3, 1883 at Advocate. Susie, who was the daughter of Archie and Sarah McLellan of Advocate, was born Jan. 23, 1864.

In 1887 they moved to Springhill where he had his own business as a painter which was later known as E.A. Potter & Sons Painters. One of his painting jobs was the new Roman Catholic Church in 1903.

Edward and Susie had 5 children: Joseph Wylie, Archibald, Henry, Edward and John.

E.A. Potter joined the Militia in 1874 and was an Officer for a number of years. In 1894 Potter was transferred to the 93 rd Regiment with the rank of Lieutenant immediately after receiving his field Officers: Certificate, he recruited and organized No. 6 Company of Springhill. In 1896, as a member of the 93 rd Regiment he attended Military School for the second time. He later became Captain of the No.6 Company.

Edward Potter, along with D. Murray, F. S. Heffernan, L.B. Donkin, Dr. Hayes and R.B. Murray were instrumental in getting a drill shed built in Springhill.

E.A. Potter had a reputation as a decorator and whenever there was a special occasion he and his sons would decorate the Drill Shed with flags and bunting.

From 1906 to 1910 he was the Commanding Officer of the 93 rd Regiment of Springhill. In World War 1 he was Brigadier Commander of the 18 th Nova Scotia Brigade and recruited 8000 men. He resigned from the Militia in 1919.

Edward was Fire Chief of the Fire Department which he re-organized in 1896 and was a member for forty years. He was a member of the Springhill Club when it was organized in 1890 and was a member of the Knights of Pythias.

He became a Springhill Town Councillor in 1890 and served as Mayor from 1909 to 1913, serving during the tough years when the miners were on the 22 month strike.

E.A. Potter died in April 10, 1928.

Joseph Wylie Potter was born Dec. 15, 1886 in Advocate. He married, Eva Lillian Fullerton on October 5, 1911, daughter of Ford and Edith Fullerton of Halfway River. Eva was born April 23, 1889.

Joseph followed in his father’s footsteps and became Fire Chief of the Springhill Fire Department.

Joseph and Eva had a son Ford Potter who died October 1, 1975 in Toronto.

Joseph Wylie Potter died October 13, 1944. His wife, Eva died February 5, 1960 in Montreal.

Edward Maxwell Potter was born April 16, 1901 in Springhill. On August 12, 1925 he married Enid Blanche McFarlane, daughter of Charles McFarlane and Gladys Burnham McFarlane. Edward M. Potter died October 16, 1961.

Henry Bigelow Potter was born February 28, 1892. He married Stella Mills. Henry was a member of the Springhill Fire Department. He was an overseas officer during WW1. Henry died June 17, 1945.

John B. Potter was born October 16, 1896 or 1897 in Springhill. He married Blanche Mills. John died February 15, 1972 in New York.

Archibald McLellan Potter was born in Springhill February 14, 1890. Archie married Pearl Fraser on Sept. 3, 1913. Pearl was born in Riverview, Nova Scotia on June 15, 1894 to parents Simon D. and Annie L. Fraser. Pearl died September 10, 1963.

Archie Potter was Fire Chief of the Springhill Fire Department. He was a Sergeant. during WW1 and received the Distinguished Conduct Medal.

Archie and Pearl had 5 children: Lois, Laura, Elaine, Joseph and Fraser.

Archibald died May 13, 1973.

Lois Pearl Potter was born July 23, 1914. She was a School Teacher for several years. She married Harold Osborne Whitman on September 3, 1943. Lois and Harold had the following children: James and Ronald.

Lois died April 21, 1989 in Sackville, N.B.

Laura Jean Potter died in infancy

Harriett Elaine Potter was born January 6, 1921. She taught school in River Hebert and in Springhill. Later she taught in the Springhill vocational College. She was a correspondent for the Springhill Record and the Amherst Citizen and was given awards for her columns in the Springhill Record. She was a member of many organizations such as the Pythian Sisters, IODE, Hospital Auxiliary, a founding member of the Red Cross and was the Provincial Volunteer in 1989.

Elaine married William H. Mont and they had a son – John Mont.

Harriett Elaine died August 8, 2005

Joseph Archibald Potter married Beth Tower and lives in Moncton, New Brunswick.

Robert Fraser Potter married Marjorie Kathleen Millburn. They have the following children: Jean Elizabeth, Robert Fraser and David Roderick. Fraser was Col. Potter, Commander Eastern New Brunswick Militia District. He lives in Moncton, N.B.