The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

Mar. 14, 2007

Mar. 14, 2007 – All Saints’ Sixtieth Anniversary

The Springhill Record of November 20, 1952 .

All Saints’ Sixtieth Anniversary Party

A large number of All Saints’ Church parishioners gathered in the Parish Hall, Friday evening, November 14, to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of All Saints’ Church.

The birthday party took the form of a congregational supper at 6:30 , accompanied by a full program of entertainment.

R.V. Harris, Q.C., Chancellor of the Diocese of Nova Scotia, who was a member of the boy’s choir at the opening of the church, was special guest speaker at the important milestone in the church’s history.

The entertainment part of the program – songs, monologues and comedy acts – were thoroughly enjoyed by all, each being called back for encores, by an appreciative audience.

Following Grace, by Rev. W.M. Knickle, Rector of the church for the past fifteen years, the birthday cake was cut by Mrs. Norman Brown, who was present at the opening of the church. Others present at the supper who were at the opening of the church were Mrs. Thomas Perry and Mrs. Grace Fawcett. A salad supper was then served by the ladies of the church. The prettily decorated tables were centered with lighted candles.

Charles McKay, on behalf of the wardens and vestry, welcomed the parishioners and guest to the birthday supper.

Opening the entertainment program were Mrs. Evelyn Hunter and Rene Nicholson, who rendered very beautifully “Whispering Hope” and an encore. This was followed by Lloyd Mason singing two solos, “Old Man River” and “Ireland Must be Heaven”.

Mrs. Maud Gillis gave two monologues, “Calhoun’s Goat” and “Saturday Night Bath”, which was followed by Mrs. Evelyn Dawson and Mrs. Evelyn Hunter in a duet, “Just a Song at Twilight”.

Rev. Knickle then outlined for the gathering the huge quantities of material necessary to complete the outside renovation of the church and thanked the suppliers of materials for their co-operation. He then called upon Mr. James Strachan, representative of the “Brantford Roofing Co.” who supplied the siding and roofing for the church, for a few words.

Mr. Strachan expressed his pleasure at being invited to the birthday supper and went on to explain the quality of work being done. He also said that this was the largest single order he had ever received in 33 years of selling roofing and siding and on behalf of the Brantford Roofing Co. he presented the church with a cheque for $50.00.

Rev. Knickle expressed the thanks of the congregation and called upon Mr. Atkinson of Amherst for a few words. Also present at the supper was Mr. Anthony White, who carried out the repairs.

Mr. Harris as special speaker congratulated the parish on repairs to the church and gave a history of all the rectors who had served the parish from the time of its inception, paying tribute to Canon Wilson who had raised the money and built All Saints’ Church, the Parish Hall and All Saints’ Cottage Hospital. He pointed out that the cooperation of the parishioners and rector is virtually necessary to success of the church, as is the Sunday school, A.Y.P.A., and Youth Organizations which are the ground work of the church of tomorrow.

Continuing, Mr. Harris told the gathering that the church today is under fire from all directions and especially from the ideology of communism. He stressed two important duties for all good church people to practice: (1) “Be Ye Witness” – setting an example for others and regular worship and conduct; (2) “Service” – there are hundreds of ways you can serve your church – by attendance, by helping the Sunday school, by belonging and supporting all its organizations.

He concluded his address by urging the people to awaken to their duties, because, “It’s later than you think”.

The program concluded by two solos by Alfred Robinson, who was pianist for the evening: “The Sunshine of your Smile” and “Mother McCree”, followed by a radio skit by Mrs. Evelyn Dawson and Mrs. Evelyn Hunter.

Mrs. Evelyn Hunter and Mrs. Rene Nicholson sang a duet, “I Went to Your Wedding”, and Mr. Lloyd Mason, closed the program with a solo,” Roses of Picardy”.

After a short sing-song Rev. Knickle pronounced the Benediction, followed by “The Queen” and a highly successful evening was brought to a close.