The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

Jan. 14, 2009

Wed. Jan. 14, 2009 – Articles from 1939

Here are a few articles that were reported in the Springhill Record on Thursday April 20th, 1939.

Dr. F.E. Walsh Discovers Magnetic Hill near The Town

We have heard much about the “Magnetic Hill” at Moncton and, we are informed another exists over on the Island, but Dr. F.E. Walsh now tells us that we have a magnetic hill between Springhill and Amherst. The point in question is near the Fenwick Corner at the Church. The Doctor discovered it when he had occasion to stop his car near the church as he was returning from Amherst recently. Those who use the road will recall there seems to be a slight dip in the road at that point. As the Doctor released his brakes he discovered that his car seemed to be moving slowly “uphill”. Test it for yourself. We’ll be interested in finding your reaction.

Appointed to New Parish:

We are pleased to learn that Rev. G.A. Hatton of Queensport, N.S., received word last week that he had been appointed by Bishop Hackenley to the Parish of Canso. This is in way of a promotion and Springhill friends will wish Rev. and Mrs. Hatton a pleasant and successful pastorate in their new field.

E.B. Paul on the Air

Mr. E.B. Paul, superintendent of the Cumberland Railway and Coal Company, took part in the usual Sunday evening radio forum, speaking from C.H.N.S. at the Lord Nelson Hotel, Halifax, following Mayor Houde of Montreal who spoke from his own city and represented the Mayors of Canada.

Miss McDonald is Showered

Miss Jean McDonald was the guest of honour at a very pleasant shower held by the Teacher’s Bridge Club at the home of Misses Isabel and Kathryn Campbell Church St, on Thursday evening April 13, when the club came to a happy conclusion for the season.

Four tables of bridge were in play. Honours for the evening went to Miss McDonald, High Score; travelling prizes: to the Misses Mary Hatherly and Alva Moss and Consolation to Miss Lois Potter.

At the close of play Miss McDonald was ushered into the living room to the strains of the Wedding March, played by Miss Evelyn Langille, to find a clothes line laden with beautifully wrapped parcels and a decorated clothes basket in which to put “the wash”. The original verses in each parcel added much to the merriment of the party,

A delicious lunch was served which included a three-tier “wedding cake” made by the Misses Ross and Layton.

Although completely surprised, Miss McDonald expressed her appreciation and thanks for the lovely gifts.

Oilcloth could be bought at D.M. Smith’s for 2 yards, wide, five patterns to choose from at 87 cents per yard. Washtubs and Boilers – Galvanized or Tin; solid construction for $1.10 each.

At Louis Saffron Ltd. you could buy a new spring coat at a sale price of $10.50. Sizes 13-20 with youthful lines, Box and Swing Styles, All Colors, All Wool and Crepes and Novelty Weaves, Topnotch Values, 1939 Spring Coats.

At C.R. Murray Men’s Wear – Stanfield’s Shorts – 50 cents; Stanfield’s Vest, silk – 75 cents; Stanfield’s medium weight Combinations, short or long sleeves - $1.95.

Undergoes Minor Operation

Mrs. C.J. Allbon, Jr., underwent a minor operation at the Victoria General Hospital, Halifax, Monday morning. Mrs. Allbon’s condition is reported satisfactory and it is expected she will be home early next week.

Flattery is really 90 percent soft soap, and soft soap contains a lot of lye.

Charity is the best heritage for any child.

William B. Murray Recovering

Mr. Wm. B. Murray who recently underwent an operation at the Victoria General, Halifax, was able to sit up in bed early this week and it is expected he will be able to return home within a few days.

The distinction between a tramp and a hobo is: One won’t work and the other will not work.