The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

December 14th, 2016

Dec. 6, 1945Co-operatives to Open Store Here

     At a meeting held here in the C.M.B.A. Hall last night the membership of the Springhill Co-operative Limited and the Supreme Co-operative Society met in a joint session and completed the details in respect to the amalgamation of the two organizations. 

     The following Directors were elected:

     President -  Mr. Clyde Dickie

     Vice- President -  Mr. George Davison

     Board of Directors – Mrs. Percy Smith, Messrs. Chas. Rose, Ray Nix. McLellan, Ted Green, Jack Crummey, Anthony Casey

Mr. Austin Rose was appointed Secretary for the Board of Directors

     The store will be stocked and opened as soon as possible.  In the meantime, a house to house canvas for members will be organized.

Dec. 20, 1945Commence to Add to Building

     The Canadian Bank of Commerce will add a sixteen-foot addition to their present building and work on the new structure will begin as soon as possible, said Mr. S.D. Reid, local manager, on his return from the annual meeting of the Bank held in Toronto

     During his trip to Toronto Mr. Reid was in conference with Mr. S.H. Logan, Chairman of the Board; Mr. A.E. Arscott, President; Mr. S.M. Webb, General Manager; Mr. I.A. McPhail, Superintendent at Head Office; and W.V. Gordon, Superintendent for the Maritimes and Newfoundland.

     At these conferences the question of enlarging the present bank premises was given consideration and Mr. Reid was informed the presentation of plans would get underway immediately.

     The new addition will be sixteen feet and will provide for three tellers, instead of two at the present.

Belated Gifts

     By an odd turn of fortune, Carl Tabor, a prisoner of war for a year at Camp Stalag No. 8, Germany, received two Christmas boxes sent to him by his mother, for last Christmas, while he was a prisoner.  The contents were in good condition upon arrival back in Springhill.

     Carl is looking forward to the real thing this year – the first Christmas at home in four years.  He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tabor who are rejoicing, at having their two sons, Carl and “Tommy” home again from Overseas.

Jan. 3, 1946Hyatt’s Buy Hardware Store

     Hyatt’s Hardware Ltd. purchased the hardware business formerly owned by D.M. Smith at the corner of Main and Elgin Streets and will carry on business and will carry new lines as they come on the market. 

     The restaurant business which has been carried on by Hyatt’s for the past thirteen years will be operated by Mr. and Mrs. Grendall (sic) Ripley.  Mrs. Ripley is a sister of Mrs. Lloyd Hyatt.

     Mr. Elmer Hyatt has been in business for the past 39 years.  For 26 years he operated a grocery business on Elgin Street and in 1932 he moved to Main Street opening a tearoom and ice cream parlour.  About a year later he began serving meals and shortly afterwards opened rooms for guest above the restaurant. 

     As the demand for room increased Mr. Hyatt took over an additional seven rooms in the Scott building next door and improved their business to the travelling public. 

     During the war a new fountain was added and improvements made but the capacity of the building was always taxed to the utmost.  Only three weeks ago a new walk in refrigerator was added, giving the restaurant up-to-date refrigeration service.

     Friends of the firm will wish them every success as they enter this new field of business.

Jan. 10, 1946Edison Electric Extends Powerline to Rodney

     There was general rejoicing when the power was turned on for the Rodney extension which has been almost completed by the Edison Light and Power Ltd

     In an interview with the Record Mr. George H. Haystead, local Manager, said his men were working hard to complete the extension this week.  In the meantime, seven customers from Percy Smith’s to Mrs. Dougall Maine’s were given power Monday evening.  These were:  Percy Smith, Layton Gilroy, Leonard Boss, Earl, Elmer and Fred Austin and Mort Schurman

     Due to lack of material it is doubtful if any of the customers have completed their wiring or will be able to complete it for some time.  However, they have some lights and are delighted that the line is now available to them, after a long wait.  That they will be fairly large users of light and power is indicated in the fact that Mort Schurman is planning on 92 outlets for his farm.

     The line was taken to Percy Smith’s from Wes Herrett’s and swings up and around the Rodney Hall and on towards Mrs. Maine’s. 

     The minimum charge on the line will be $2.50 in addition to the Government aid which is available for rural extension.  This extension has 4.5 potential customers but signed customers are on by 3.2 per mile.

Building Other Lines

     The Edison Electric is also working on a 12-mile extension from Oxford along the Leicester Road towards Amherst.

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     Do you have any pictures of Springhill businesses?  The Springhill Heritage Group is looking for any old pictures of Springhill businesses.  If you have any would you lend them to the Group so we could make a copy or would you make a copy for us?  If so get in touch with myself or Russell Fisher or any member of the group.


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