The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

November 13th, 2013

Jan. 27, 1938Springhill RecordCecil Letcher Opens New and Modern Chevrolet Garage on Upper Main Street

With the completion of the new modern garage on Upper Main Street, built by Parsons Construction Company of Moncton, Springhill is well equipped to take care of the motoring needs of the community.

The New Chevrolet Garage opened recently covers a ground space of 53 feet by 104 feet.  It is a one storey wooden structure and presents a very imposing picture at its location on Main Street, next to Mr. Letcher’s former garage and is also on the TransCanada Highway.  Easy of approach, it should prove one of the outstanding locations in town.  The garage has been set well back, providing the erection of two gasoline pumps in front where Sunoco and Esso gas is offered for sale.

As will be seen from the photo it has a very good looking front with large plate glass windows and overhead slide doors.  It has two entrances at the front and one outlet at the rear with as driveway around the entire building for the convenience of motorists.

A showroom at the front about 30’ x 30’ permits the showing of three cars, the two large plate glass windows, facing on Main Street, giving plenty of light, helping to set them off to the best advantage.

Next to the showroom, is a small office used by the gas boys where a small supply of parts is also kept for general sale.  On the east side of the building two overhead sliding doors permit the entrance to the workshop which is large and roomy and here the mechanics work under ideal conditions with plenty of light, fresh air and heat.  The workshops is equipped with a hydraulic hoist, wash rack and grease pit, while the latest type of electric grease gun is on order and will be added to the equipment in the very near future.

The building is heated with Gibson twin furnaces.  Hot air is forced through the building carried by large pipes and the temperature even in the coldest weather is always comfortable.

Comfortable Office – The business office is the most attractive spots in the new building.  Large and roomy, attractively furnished in Douglas Fir with battleship linoleum on the floor and counter, with plenty of sunlight streaming through the many windows, the office is a most cheerful place.  A few plants add to the attractiveness.  It is here that Mr. William Graven, the accountant and Miss Marjorie Wilson, the bookkeeper, keep track of the multiplicity of detail which the most modern of book-keeping demands.

Next to the main office is a small office which Mr. Letcher uses himself.  This, too, is attractively finished and a small window connects it to the main office.  Beside Mr. Letcher’s office is the main stock room which is in charge of Robert Oulton and Aubrey Rae.  Off the showroom and also the workshop are found washrooms which are conveniently situated.

The floor of the building is of concrete with the office sections covered with battleship linoleum.

Large Staff – Twelve men and one woman are required to take care of the detail connected with this business. During the summer months further help will probably be required, although the garage business has remained active due to the lack of snow.  The staff consists of: Cecil Letcher, proprietor; Roy Daken, salesman; William Graven, accountant; Marjorie Wilson, book-keeper; Robert Oulton, parts department; Aubrey Rea, parts department; Robert Harroun, gas department, Elton Clarke, gas department; Sterling Smith, service manager; Bradford Ripley, mechanic; Rhodes Letcher, mechanic; George Brown, mechanic; Ernest Legrow, mechanic.

Mr. Letcher has been served for many years by faithful employees, Mr. Graven, the accountant, has been with the firm since 1930.  His assistant, Miss Marjorie Wilson, bookkeeper, has been there since 1931.  Sterling Smith, service manager, has had charge of this department since 1929, while Bradford Ripley, mechanic started in 1932.

Business grows steadily – Mr. Letcher began business in a small way back in 1920 when he sold Chevrolet cars as a sub-agent for Barkers of Amherst, who then had the agency for Cumberland Co.  An aggressive salesman, Mr. Letcher saw his business grow rapidly, and a few years ago was given a full agency on his own behalf.  Year after year he continues to dispose of a large number of new Chevrolets while at the same time handling many second hand cars.

The new building which he now occupies was begun in September and completed about the 14th of December.  In these new and fully modern quarters he looks forward to rendering a more complete service to his fast growing list of clients.

For those who don’t remember where this garage was located the Laurentide Resource Atlantic Ltd. is now on this site.