The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

June 13, 2007

June 13, 2007 – Wilson Family Continued

Alexander Bryson Wilson was another son of James Bryson Wilson and Jane Aiton. Alexander, who was also known as A.B. or Sandy, was born Oct. 8, 1863 . He married Laura Nash on May 20, 1885 . Alexander and Laura had an adopted son Alex Forsyth

Wilson .

A.B. started work in the mines when he was 14 years of age. He was on the Police Force as a special officer. He took an interest in the PWA and served on many committees. He was instrumental in the settlement of differences between the local U.M.W. and the A.M.W.

Alexander was a member of the Eureka Lodge, No. 15, IOOF for 53 years.

In 1900 A.B. Wilson became the Mayor of Springhill and held this position until 1909. He was to become Mayor five more times: 1914-1919, 1922-1928, 1932-1934, 1936-1938, 1940-1942 and hold the position for a total of twenty four years. Under him the Springhill water works was installed.

Alexander with brothers John and William and their brother-in-law Daniel Ferguson opened the first Wilson ’s Store. Later John bought out the shares of the others and A.B. went into business for himself. A.B. Wilson and Walter Anderson took over the Ben Mattinson’s building in 1898. The partnership later dissolved and A.B. continued with his groceries and dry goods store until his death. The next business in this building was Girlie’s Shoppe.

Alexander Bryson Wilson died Oct. 19, 1942 .

Martha Wilson married George Murray. They had two children Jean and Pearl .

Martha died at a young age.

Margaret Wilson was born June 6, 1861 . She married William Russell June 17, 1880

They had two children, Jean and Samuel G. Margaret died July 13, 1924 . Samuel, who was born Sept. 6, 1881 , opened a variety store on upper Main Street next to the first Wardrope’s Drugstore and Doctors Office. Samuel died June 17, 1954 and he was never married.

George Wilson, who was born Sept. 14, 1875 , was married 3 times. He was first married to Annie Adams on Aug. 19, 1895 , secondly to Minnie May Lewis on Sept. 23, 1911 , and wife number three was a Fullerton lady. He had nine children: Robert George born Oct. 31, 1899 was twice married 1 st to Susan Hall and then to Lillian Harroun; James; Jean; Lillian May married Charles Corkum and had a daughter Laura and a son Charles James; George; Harrietta and Bryson.

George Wilson died Mar. 1, 1935 .

John Wilson was born in Stellerton, Aug. 11, 1857 . At the age of eight he went to work in the Cape Breton Mines. Later on he worked in the mines in Pictou, Joggins , Pennsylvania , Maryland , River Hebert before coming to work in the Springhill mines at the age of 19. He would work in the mines during the day and then study at night. At the age of thirty he went into business.

John married Mary H. Conway, daughter of William Conway, in 1893 and they had three children: William, James and Gladys.

Wilson ’s store was built on the corner of Church Street and Main Street in 1887 by the three Wilson Brothers and brother-in-law Daniel Ferguson. Later John bought the others shares and continued the business himself.

During the 1891 explosion John closed his store and went down in the mine and assisted until the last man was out.

Also in 1891 he employed his sister Agnes (Mrs. John MacIsaac) as a clerk and then three weeks later hired Miss Ellen Cameron.

By 1898 the business was increasing so much that the store became too small and he wanted to expand. The building next door was first owned by Dr. Cove and housed his drug store, Acadia Drugs which opened in 1883. Dr. Cove also lived in this building.

When John Wilson wanted to expand his business Dr. Cove simply moved his building down to the edge of his lot. Later the Acadia Drug Store was taken over by Dr. Sutherland and then became Dr.Withrows Drug Store.

I will continue with John Wilson and his family next time.