The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

July 13th, 2016

Apr. 26, 1945 Springhill Record A Challenge

     In a quiet room in the Pavilion at Camp Hill Hospital, Halifax, lies Walter Callow (pron.  Kal-oo), his body rigid, helpless, able only to hear and speak – but alert of mind, communicating with his helpfulness with thousands of people both near and far, and keeping busy, happy and useful.  He was born in Parrsboro in January 1895, and was an airman in the last war, a member of the Canadian Air Force.  In 1917 he suffered a severe injury when his plane crashed. “For thirteen years of difficulty and suffering his stout spirit kept him living an almost normal life.  But for fourteen years now he has been bedridden and for five years he has been blind.  His courage and the measure of his helpfulness constitute a real challenge.  His work during the past three years with his “Callow Cigarette Fund” confirms the impression that he is an ingenious and capable business man.”

     Knowing how much cigarettes mean to the men Overseas, especially those in hospital, he decided to send as many as he possibly could.  Setting his mind to work on the best way in which he could contribute the most himself and at the same time enlist the interest and support of others.  At the sacrifice of his own comfort and pleasure he raffled his radio to establish a Cigarette Fund.  The radio produced $1,200.  When the original fund began to dwindle it became necessary to seek addition money to find means to keep the Fund alive.  Walter next gave up smoking himself and saved the money to help swell his fund.  Out of his funds he bought modest Victory Bonds and raffled them.  With the help of his friends and the support of Service Men in Canada and the United States he was able to obtain $1,400 from one $50 bond.  He wrote poems and had them printed in illustrated folders that have been sold for the benefit of his fund.  Besides writing the poems he originates the design for the folders.  This idea (up to Dec. 1944) had brought another $1,000.  The result of all has been that Walter Callow has been instrumental in providing over 2,000,000 cigarettes to servicemen. 

     Besides his practical usefulness he has set himself an ideological mission.  Because seriously wounded men are bound to be depressed in varying degrees and perhaps to feel themselves useless, Walter Callow is steadfastly setting an example that should give heart to any man.  Thousands of service men know of his work and returning disabled veterans already have come to him for comfort and inspiration. 

     Walter’s newest plan is well-timed.  He is now enlisting the help and interest of the school children in the sale of his folders and cards.  It gives an effective opportunity for all to help – a project worthy of strong support.  “A spark of life from the still figure in the quiet room radiates far.  The bright mind and warm heart give him clear vision …… by concentrating on the welfare of others.  What of us who are healthy and strong?”

     From an appreciation by Raymond Simpson in Journal of Education

May 17. 1945 Springhill Breaks All Records in 8th Victory Loans Subscriptions

     Total subscription $409,400.

    As a fitting climax to the previous Victory Loans the people of Springhill and District went all out in the 8th Loan and amassed a total of $409,400.  Out of this amount the miners subscribed $150,500 on payroll savings, leaving $258,900 that was raised by general canvass and through the banks.  This was $79,400 in excess of the objective of $330,000 that was set for the town and district and was $30,350 more than the highest amount raised in any of the previous seven loans. 

     At the end of two weeks, Chairman H.N. Soley, announced that Springhill had gone over the top. 

     News of Victory in Europe, the first of the week following, naturally slowed things down for a few days, but by the middle of the week following celebrations, buying was again resumed with the result that the last week of the campaign brought in extra sales to put the town so substantially over its quota. 

     It is very gratifying and fitting that this expression of confidence should have come just at the same time as we won our victory in Europe, and it is confidentially hoped that the people of Springhill will maintain their full support in Canada’s war effort right up until the final defeat of Japan.

Springhill Wins Second Victory Loan Pennant

     Last minute subscriptions have boosted the total of Springhill sales in the 8th Victory Loan to $412,950 and has entitled the town to receive a second honor pennant.  The pennant was awarded by Headquarters and was received in Springhill yesterday.


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