The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

January 13th, 2016

Oct. 28, 1943 Springhill RecordMrs. R. Gilroy at Home to Teachers

     Mrs. Ralph F. Gilroy (nee Grace Adams) was hostess to the teaching staff at a delightful afternoon tea held at her home Friday evening.

     The prettily appointed tea table with a lace cover, and arranged with tall silver candlesticks with blue tapers and a silver bowl of snapdragons, was presided over by Mrs. Alex Leadbetter.  Assisting the hostess in serving were Miss Emma Ward, Mrs. Wm. Graven Jr, Mrs. James R. Miller and Mrs. George T. Ward.

     Welcoming the guest with Mrs. Gilroy was her mother Mrs. Edward Adams.

     During the afternoon the Misses Lillian Matthews and Marjorie Wright rendered piano selections which added much to the pleasure of the occasion.

Councillor A. McKay Improves Street Lights

     Councillor A. McKay reports that he has been very busy this year making many changes and repairs to public property that should be of interest and great benefit to the Citizens. 

     The street lights on Herrett Rd. from Hall St. to Magee St. have been changed to the opposite side of the street for the benefit of the citizens using the sidewalk.

     The lights on Lisgar St. have also been moved to the sidewalk side of the street, which will be of great benefit and convenience.

     The same change has been made on Junction Rd. between Main St. and Maple St.

     The Town scales, which have been out of commission for a number of years are now being repaired.

Nov. 18, 1943Investigate Mine Accident

     Robert Rector, a miner in No. 1 mine, had a close call last week, when in the course of his work he broke through a head to be struck in the face with a terrific force of water which washed him 189 feet down the head and 60 feet out the level where he was finally rescued by other workmen and escaped with four or five ribs broken.  He was rushed to All Saints Hospital where his condition is reported as satisfactory.

     Unusual in mining circles the accident is under investigation.  The water was contained in a level that was sunk below the upper level sometime previously.  This opening said to be 19 feet deep, 16 feet wide and six feet high, was said to have been somewhat concealed by a fall and had gradually filled with water with no indication showing on the upper level. 

     As Rector and Delbert Colwell, miners, were working their way up the head, from the lower level towards this opening the remaining wall, stated to be two and a half feet thick, gave way under the pressure of the water.  The water and coal struck Rector full in the face and tumbled him back down the hill for 189 feet at a pitch of 28 degrees.  Hi buddy, Delbert Colwell, had barely time to grab hold of some timber and the wash of water failed to dislodge him.  He was uninjured and a few minutes later was able to rush to the assistance of his buddy whom he finally located 60 feet out the level with only a hand sticking out from beneath the pile of coal that ended up on top of him.  Working on the opposite shift to these two men was Arthur Spence.


     At their regular meeting Saturday night the miners asked for an investigation into the incident and this was held in the Company Office Monday afternoon.  Howard Tattrie, sub-district board member, will give the result of the investigation to the members of his union Saturday evening.

Gets a Deer

     A party consisting of Ben McLellan, Wm. Austin, Ed Hunter and Ken Maddison spent a few days in the Lynn woods last week in search of deer.  Wm. Austin and Ben McLellan brought one down, but not until they had hit it several times.

We Hear From Boys Overseas

     Congratulations to Cecil Rogers Jr., of the N.N.S.H., son of Veteran Guard Cecil V. Rogers and Mrs. Rogers, who has received his Corporal stripe, also a Good Conduct stripe, overseas.

     Mrs. George Davis has received word of the safe arrival overseas of her husband, Pilot Officer, George Davis, R.C.A.F.

     Mrs. Herbert Murray received a cable and a bouquet of roses last week from her husband, Sgt. Herbert Murray, in commemoration of their fifth wedding anniversary.

     Mrs. Fred Ripley, received birthday greetings from her two sons, Pte. Freddy A. Ripley and Trooper Royce A. Ripley, serving overseas.

     The Record has learned today that Tpr. Alfred Pettigrew was wounded in action in late September, presumably in Italy.  His wife and family are living in West Brook for the duration and his mother, Mrs. Charles Pettigrew, in Halfway River; owing to which no details are immediately available.

     Mrs. James McLeod received an aerogram from her nephew, Pte. Ivan Rushton, telling her of his safe arrival overseas.  Ivan also told her he spent a weekend with his father, L. Bdr. James Rushton who has been overseas since 1941.

     Mrs. Danny Beaton was much comforted to receive cablegrams of sympathy from her sons Trooper Monson and Jack and Sapper George Beaton following the death of their father.


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