The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

February 13, 2008

Feb. 13, 2008 – Clips from different Papers

On February 21, 1967 , the trawler Cape Bonnie was lost during a blinding snowstorm near Halifax .

The Cape Bonnie was 152 feet long and 400 tons carrying 70 thousand tons of fish and 18 men aboard were returning from Brown’s Bank, LaHave fishing ground when she grounded on the Woody Island breakers, less than 18 miles south of Halifax and a mile from shore of the community of Lower Prospect.

Rescue operations which were launched immediately were seriously hindered by raging winds and a high sea. A Sea king Helicopter from CFB Shearwater was forced to return to base because of the weather. RCAF Argus Aircraft, coastguard vessels and hardy fishermen pushed their boats into the storm without regard for their own safety. Fourteen bodies of the eighteen men on board the Cape Bonnie were recovered. The search continued until it was apparent that the last four could not have survived.

Of the men who lost their lives was a former Springhiller Floyd Banford Dunphy, age 20, who at the time was residing in Wellington Station.

From the January 3, 1930 , Springhill Record: – New Appointment for local M.P.

Archie Terris, M.P. left for Halifax where he will receive particulars of a new appointment he has received from the government. One of the duties assigned to Mr. Terris is looking after the men’s interest in connection with the Compensation Board.

The acceptance of the commission by the local representative necessitated his resignation as Financial Secretary of the local union of the United Mine Workers, a position he has held for the past seven years. His further resignation as a member of the trustee board recalls to mind that he was one of those instrumental in building the new hall, a feat which was a distinct credit to the local union of which Mr. Terris has always been an active member. His well considered advice and guiding hand will be greatly missed by his associates in the local union who nevertheless are pleased with his new appointment.

20 March 1947 – The Oxford Journal

William P. Pippy is the new manager of the Edison Electric Light and Power Company Limited of Springhill succeeding George H. Haystead who has been transferred to Yarmouth .

22 May 1947 – The Oxford Journal – Miners offered $ 1.00 Per Day

Idle since February 15, members of the United Mine Workers, District 26, will vote Friday on a tentative offer drawn up between the union, company and government during wage conferences at Ottawa and Montreal last week.

Under the government the men will receive $1.00 per day, payable by the Federal Government, immediately they commence work. If the production is stepped up to that required by the company by December 1 st, additional .40 cents per day will be paid to the miners until Jan. 31, 1948 , the end of the contract period.

01 April 1948 – The Oxford Journal

An increase of .25 cents per ton on coal shipments will be passed directly to the customers according to some dealers. While the effect of the increase won’t be seriously felt at this time because of the scarcity of coal, it will have an effect when the supplies begin to satisfy the demand.

July 6, 1961 – The Oxford Journal

Maritime Coal, Railway and Power Company will abandon their 12 mile between Maccan and Joggins. Previously the railway between Springhill and Parrsboro was abandoned and the Short Line Express between Oxford Junction and New Glasgow was discontinued.

Parting thought for this week:

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it sure beats a blank stare for starting a conversation. Beryl Pfizer