The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

April 13th, 2011

Death of John Adams, etc.

The Evening Mail, Halifax, N.S. – Monday July 30, 1888

     The Spring Hill News regrets to announce the sudden death of John Adams, brakeman, under the most painful circumstances.  In jumping off the train to perform some duties of his position, his foot slipped on and rail and two flat cars passed over his thighs and the lower portion of his body.  He was very badly mangled, and died in a few minutes.  Mr. Adams was a young man of fine appearance, and very popular with his fellows.  He was buried under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias yesterday morning.

On August 1, 1888 The Trades Journal, Stellerton also reported on the accident.  Stating:

A terrible railway accident happened here on the 27th, resulting in the death of a brakeman named John Adams.  He was on a train of loaded gondolas that were being shunted near the station, when he slipped and fell under them,  He made one or two ineffectual attempts to recover himself, but was caught, run over and was fearfully mangled.  Both legs and an arm being severed from his body, and his body more or less crushed.  He lived some thirty minutes after receiving the injuries.  The deceased was a young man, well and favorably known, and his terrible and sudden death has cast a gloom over the whole community.

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     The funeral of the late John Adams, who was killed on the railway here, was said to be, the largest that ever took place in this town, and was ample proof of the respect in which the young man was held.  He had no relations in Canada.  The Knights of Pythias, to which society he belonged, took charge of the body, and attended the funeral in uniform.  He was buried with the peculiarly solemn and impressive burial services of the order.  The society will also take charge of all his effects, pending the appearance of relatives.  The Trades Journal, Stellerton. August 8, 1888

October 21, 1947 – The Parrsboro Record – Two killed in Debert Accident

     Ronald Scott Nicholson, 21 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nicholson of Springhill and formally of Parrsboro, was one of two men who met their death on Friday, when they were crushed under nearly one hundred tons of falling timber, while dismembering the first of two large drill halls at Debert to be taken to Springhill to be made into a community rink.

The other man who lost his life was Robert George Harroun, 29, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Harroun of Springhill.  Twelve more men under the framework of the large building had a miraculous escape from death.  Among the four who were injured was John Fife, formally of Parrsboro and now of Springhill.

     Besides his parents, Nicholson is survived by two sisters, Mrs. A. Steven and Pearl, at home; and three brothers Jack, Douglas and Charles.  The funeral service was held in St. George’s Anglican Church here yesterday, Monday afternoon with interment in the Anglican Cemetery.  His tragic death marked the second death through accidents in his family in six years.  A younger brother was killed in a motorcycle collision near the Aboiteau Bridge here in Parrsboro in the summer of 1941.

The Springhill Record – February 17, 1949

     The Town council decided at the regular meeting Friday evening to purchase the former Simpson building on Victoria Street from G.L. Glendenning for the housing of Town Machinery at a cost of $4500, paying $1000 down, and $500 yearly, with an interest rate of four and one-half percent.

     The building was examined by the Finance Committee who felt that the structure was well preserved and that the foundation was fair.  It was stated that changes would be necessary to make the ground floor suitable for a workshop and for housing town machinery.  It was pointed out to Council that an additional 60 feet of land on Victoria Street, north of the building was included in the property.

     Councillors Bell and McKay expressed themselves as being against the purchase of the property, but Councillors Gilroy, Noiles and Ross supported the motion.  The feeling was that the Town must make some provision for the housing of the machinery.  At the moment the town is paying $36 per month rent for a workshop and storage while rents from the new building would bring the town some $50 per month.

     On Wednesday April 20, 2011 at 7 p.m. in the Knights of Pythias Hall the Springhill Heritage Group is hosting “A Journey Through Time” an evening of Historic Springhill Photos with narration by member Don Tabor.  The public is cordially invited to attend.

Admission is free so come, bring a friend and take a trip down memory lane. Refreshments will be served.