The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

Mar. 12, 2008

Mar. 12, 2008 – Civic Report for 1916

The Mayor in 1916 was A.B. Wilson with George Hopkins as Deputy Mayor. The Councillors for Ward 1 were Alexander Davidson and Hibbert J. Mills; Ward 2 were George Hopkins and Thomas Oulton; and for Ward 3 were Roach McKay and Kent Foster. The Town Clerk and Treasurer was Daniel McLeod. Principal of the Public Schools was O.B. Cossitt and his assistant was Miss Caroline Newman. Vice Principals were Miss Isabell Chandler and Miss Alfretta Noiles.

The teachers were: Laura Matheson, Carrie Newman, Beatrice Watt, Isabell Conway, Susie A. Hall, Mary O’Rourke, Lulu Campbell, Isabell Chandler, Alfretta Noiles, Minnie Lormier, Gertrude Paul, Henrietta Beaton, Lottie Roney, Annie McSavaney, Daisy Watt, Winnie Moss, Leona McPherson, Lexie Murray, Annie McDonald, Clara Tabor, Mary McDonald, Lettie Louther, Mayme Cameron, Lulu Faulds, Jennie Gilroy, Gladys Tabor, LeEtta McPherson and Florence Chisholm.

In the Civic Report for 1915 it was stated because Springhill had a larger population than any other town in the province in proportion to the value of accessible property and with the cost of public utilities, street lights, modern schools and such the town had to raise taxes. The taxes were raised in 1905 from 1.60 percent to 1.80; in 1906 from 1.80 to 1.90; in 1907 from 1.90 to 2.00 and in 1910 from 2.00 to 2.50 about the highest rate in the province.

The three High School grades were too much for two teachers so another teacher was hired and the Teachers Room was converted to a Grade 10 class room. At the beginning of the next school term another room was needed so the Assembly Room was partitioned off and made into two class rooms one for grade 10 and the other for grade 1. There were 1495 pupils registered in 1915 with 711 boys and 784 girls.

The Compulsory Attendance Act was passed in 1914. Before the beginning of every school term a census was taken of school age children and the duty of the School Board was to see that the children were all sent to school or have a satisfactory reason given for their absence. If a child missed 5 days of school without lawful excuse the teacher had to report it to the Secretary of Schools or the Principal and the Traunt Officer had to report any child not on any school register but included in the census.

The team of horses was kept busy hauling ashes to different parts of the town. One of the horses became vicious and had to be put down. Another horse was bought from Mr. Jas. Hennessey, a horse dealer at a price of $125.00

The sewer pipe from Main Street from Gilroy ’s Store crossing Lisgar Street had to be replaced. The pipe was bought from the firm of Fage and Lusby of Amherst at a cost of 350 ft. of 30 inch pipe for $1.70 per foot.

The Police Commission thought that Springhill should apply to have it placed on the circuit for holding of County Court Chambers in the County of Cumberland and for trials between litigates belong to Springhill and surrounding areas.

It was suggested that some one be hired to look after the fire alarm system to make sure it was kept in working order.

In 1915 there were 217 street lights at a contract with the E. Electric Company for a price of $11.00 per light for an all night service.

There were cases of measles but they were of the mild nature but there was a severe epidemic of la grippe. There was very little Typhoid Fever with no deaths which was due in a large part to the taking of every case to the hospital and leaving no source of infection in the homes. There was no Scarlet Fever and only a few cases of Diphtheria with one death. There was very little Tuberculosis with one or two deaths,