The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

May 11th, 2016

Dec. 21, 1944 Springhill Record

– Thomas Corkin Killed in No. 4 Mine Accident Tuesday Morning

     Thomas Corkin, 31 years of age, was killed almost instantly by a fall of stone on the 6000 ft. wall, No. 4 mine about 2:30 a.m. Tuesday morning.

     At the time of the accident Mr. Corkin, who was a machine runner’s helper, was on his way up the wall where he was to have set a prop in connection with the moving of the machine.  It was well on his way up the wall, about 45 feet from the machine, where he was assisting George Dean, that the huge piece of stone measuring about five feet by two and four inches thick fell without warning from the roof between two lines of packs and struck him on the shoulders, forcing him to the ground and killing him almost instantly.  He lived only a few moments after the stone was removed.  Near him at the time was Harold Oakley who was working on the tugger. 

     In an interview with The Record, Donald McLeod, manager of No. 4 mine, spoke in glowing terms of Thomas Corkin, referring to him as one of the best of workmen.

     With the Deputy Inspector, Arthur Phillips, and the mine committee John Reedy and Teddy Arseneau, Manager McLeod inspected the place where the accident occurred. This particular section of the mines has been very free of accidents.

     All the mines are idle today.

     The funeral is being held this afternoon.  The deceased leaves to mourn his loss, a wife and two young children, to whom the sympathy of the community goes out in their great loss.

Feb. 28, 1946Oxford JournalAppointed Engineer

     William Arseneault on March 1st. became the Town EngineerManager of the Town of Springhill.  A graduate in Civil Engineering in 1937 from the Nova Scotia Technical College, Mr. Arseneault acted until recently as Assistant Town Engineer of Dartmouth.  During the past War he was a Flight Lieutenant, Engineering Branch, R.C.A.F.  He is a native of Margaree, Nova Scotia.

Apr. 4, 1946 Springhill to Have New Rink

Springhill Apr. 2 – Efforts to secure a new rink for Springhill are steadily going ahead with Norman MacDonald, well known sports leader, showing the way in the endeavour.  An ardent sportsman, Mr. MacDonald has sold over $5,000 worth of bonds on the proposed new plant.

Apr. 11, 1946Bus Service Inaugurated at Springhill

Springhill Apr. 5 – The first bus service started operations today under the management of Harvey E. Finley.  Two large buses, each with a seating capacity of 26, covered the town and were well patronized, especially with school children, carried at a special rate until 4:30 p.m.

    They also have their schedule arranged to accommodate those working in the mines.  The first run is made at 5 a.m.  The drivers are returned men.

Apr. 18, 1946 To Start Flying School at River Philip Station

Springhill will have a flying school.  The Springhill Flying Service, operated by Lloyd G. Mason and Lee Carter, is going into the flying business.  Already they have placed an order for a Fleet Canuck plane and have purchased an air field at River Philip Station, a few miles out of town, where they intend to carry on operations.  The plane is expected to arrive within the next two weeks and will carry two persons.  It is an 85 horsepower engine.

     Lloyd Mason has been interested in flying for the last 6 or 7 years.  He holds a pilot license.  Mr. Carter is newer to the flying game but expects to acquire a license within a short time.

     As Mason and Carter get underway they are hopeful of acquiring the services of Ken Thompson and Carl Demings, both of whom were instructors with the R.C.A.F.  Thompson, it will be remembered, used to thrill the citizens with aerial acrobatics when he was stationed in P.E.I. Both of these instructors are now working to secure their commercial license.

     Work on the flying field will commence as soon as weather permits.  The field is about 80 feet by 2600 feet and an option is held on some adjoining property if it should be required by the school.

     Both Mason and Carter are to be commended on their plans to provide Springhill and district with a flying school.  It is a forward looking venture which will keep Springhill in the forefront of aviation – Springhill Record


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