The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

December 11th, 2013

Police Make Rich Haul

April 24, 1938 The Springhill Record Need Another Policeman

     The Police Committee should give immediate attention to the appointment of a temporary policeman while the present epidemic of breaking and entering continues.  It is clearly impossible for one or two policemen to keep an eye on the whole town in the face of “gang” work.  Chief Mont has been on the job day and night for weeks, but this cannot continue indefinitely.

Cut Hole in Window – Hopkins and Herrett’s lost about three cans of beets and three cans of tomatoes Wednesday evening, when a thief or thieves cut a small piece of glass out of the small window left of the door just big enough to get his hand through and remove the cans.  The cutting job was one of the neatest executed around here for some time and seemed like a lot of work to go to for a few cans of goods.  No arrests have been made.

June 16, 1938 Investigation of Relief Recipients is a Revelation

     The story of how a large percentage of those applying to the Town for assistance each week were merely “spongers” and not entitled to assistance was unfolded at a special session of the Council held Monday evening in the Firemen’s room.  Mayor Davidson presided over the meeting with Councillors Wilson, Fowler, Weatherbee and Rector in attendance.

     Disgust registered on the faces of the Town Fathers as the Clerk read the list of those who “borrowed” from the Town last week on a plea they had no pay.  The list of applicants on Saturday last was checked at the Company Office Monday and of the 34 who were assisted, claiming they had “no pay”, 10 were drawing relief from the Benefit Society; three were getting compensation.  One man who said he had drawn no pay had a pay of $15.09; another $8.15.  One single man on compensation had drawn $94.75 on May 25th; another single man $21.12 on May 12th.  Another had $30.00 compensation coming to him this week.  The balance of the applicants were said to be genuine cases.

     For over an hour the Council discussed ways and means of assisting worthy cases and at the same time keeping the “imposter” out of the picture.  Out of the discussion grew the suggestion that applicants for assistance should be made to the Town on Thursday so that the various cases could be checked up on Friday and needful cases taken care of on Saturday.  It was felt that by following this system the present unsatisfactory situation could be cleared up, but no definite action was taken to put this in force.

Can’t Drive Car and Get Help – Mayor Davidson was quite emphatic with the statement that “no man running a car will get assistance from the Town.”  The Mayor said he made it plain to the United Mine Workers’ Committee that afternoon that the Town could not continue handing out money.

Poor Fund Advances Money – The money being “loaned by the Town during the last few weeks has been taken from the Poor Account.  To date $1050.00 has been advanced and the Council felt that this drain could not continue indefinitely.  This money will be paid back in due course but indications are that there will be a heavy over-expenditure in this department.

Police Make Rich Haul – Caught in a police net early Thursday morning a prominent Moncton rum-runner lost two cars and 27 five gallon kegs of liquor in one of the largest liquor hauls in these parts in recent times.

     According to Police the shipment was on its way to New Brunswick from Halifax, passing through Truro on the main highway.  Two cars were carrying the kegs, one had twelve and the other fifteen.  A third car, said to be carrying a Mr. Babineau of Moncton, was leading the way, the others keeping in touch. 

     Tipped, apparently, that the shipment was on its way through, Cpl. Nilsson, and Constable McDonald of Amherst, Constable Campbell of Pugwash, Constable Morrison of Parrsboro and Chief Wm. Mont of Springhill laid their trap carefully.  The practice of the rum-runners had been when stopped to block the road with the lead car (which carried no liquor) thus giving the cars in the rear time to turn and speed out of danger after receiving the signal.  This time the police broke up into groups and took up their positions along the road.  The leading car was permitted to pass the first group but was stopped further on by the second group.  The signal flashed - but as the second car turned the officers stepped out and took over the liquor and driver as well.  The road was just nicely cleared when the second liquor bearing car drove into sight and drove right into the trap quite unaware of what had happened ahead.

     The liquor, according to Cpl. Nilsson would be worth about $3000 to the runners.  Besides that they will likely lose the two cars which carried the liquor.

     It was a smart piece of work on the part of the police. 

     Richard LeBlanc one of the drivers appeared before Magistrate Fairbanks on two charges under the Excise and Liquor Control Act and was sentenced to eight months on both counts.  Ivan Vatour, the other driver, is awaiting trial.