The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

February 10th, 2016

Mar. 9, 1944Springhill RecordSpringhill Man in Patrol Action

     That the Canadians are doing a real job on the 8th Army front goes without saying, although often the word is “limited to patrolling owing to bad weather,” or some such cause.  The phrasing doubtless covers much of important activities – and none too easy at that.

     A Canadian Broadcaster last week told of the difficulties encountered by Canadians on patrol duty in Italy.  “It is difficult to realize that every night soldiers are risking their lives to get information from the enemy,” he said.  One patrol in particular was made up of men from the Maritimes.  “Early in the night the patrol left for the German defense line.  It was a tough trip.  Two Germans were captured (for questioning).  It sounds so simple, but the trip must be carried out in absolute silence – if the Germans hear the slightest sound they open up with everything they’ve got.  The courage displayed by men on patrol is unsurpassed by any other service.  Private Wesselby of Springhill, Nova Scotia, was one of the men in that particular patrol.”

     Incidentally, we hear, a “prize” of a small sum of money was raffled with Pte. Wesselby being the lucky winner.

Disastrous Fires

     The local Fire Department responded to an alarm for fire at the home of Clarence Brown, Saturday afternoon, during a high wind storm, about 2:30 Saturday afternoon, after fire had been discovered by Mrs. Brown who tried to distinguish it.  The fire started on the lower floor from the chimney in the centre of the house, and made rapid headway.  The house was completely gutted and is a total loss, estimated at about $1500.  Some of the furnishings were saved.

     At about 11 a.m. yesterday the Department was again called out for a fire at the residence of Mrs. Sprague, McDougall Street, where fire occurred underneath the floors, burning through in the bathroom.  The estimated damage is roughly $500.00.

Your Money is Safe in Springhill

     This is just a little note of assurance to outsiders who come to Springhill and accidentally lose money while in town.

     The following item was given to us by Mr. Thomas Murphy who thought it worth of publication:

     Some time ago Mr. Weatherbee, of North Greenville, while visiting in town lost his pocket book, containing about $85, Registration Card and Military papers.  As he had been in the Miners’ Hall that evening he went back to look for it, but no luck.

     However Jim McCallum of town had in the meantime found what he thought was a tobacco pouch lying on the floor, but upon an investigation revealed that it was a pocket book containing money, papers, etc.

     He immediately wrote to the enclosed address to notify the owner of his find, and Monday of this week, Mr. Weatherbee arrived in town to get his belongings. 

     “I never expected to see that pocket book again” stated Mr. Weatherbee.  Mr. McCallum, a veteran of World War 1, refused the offered reward, stating that he was only too glad to be able to do the favour, knowing what it would be like to be in the same position.

     Another little incident of money losing was related to us by Constable Leo McDonald last evening when Miss Emma Clarke, of Pugwash, who was in town attending the Blood Donor Clinic, on Monday evening, had the misfortune to lose her purse.  Having reached Oxford before noticing the loss, she called Hyatt’s Restaurant, the last place she had visited in town.

     Constable McDonald and W.C. Wilson, who were in the restaurant at the time of the call started out on a search.  Going down the street the Officer flashed his light in front of Resnick’s store and there lying on the sidewalk was the missing purse.

     So as all good stories must end, another lost article was found and the owner was happy.

No. 4 Mine Claims Life

     A bump in No. 4 mine Saturday morning shortly before noon claimed the life of Daniel A. McKay and injured three others.  The bump occurred on the 5400 foot level.  McKay, who was replacing Ernest Schlosser for the day, was instantly killed by the falling coal and timbers loosened by the bump as he was driven up against a pack.

     John Kennedy suffered a fractured leg and head injuries when buried in coal brought down by the bump.  It is said he was buried for twenty minutes with only his leg protruding. 

     He was taken to All Saints Hospital where he is reported today as making satisfactory progress after his grim experience.

     Injured also were Philip Downey and William R. McDonald, but fortunately they escaped the full impact of the fall.  Although painful, their injuries were not serious, and they were able to proceed to their homes.

     Following the accident all collieries ceased operation. 

     An inquiry will be held into the accident at a later date by special examiner V.B. Fullerton, K.C., Parrsboro, under the Coal Mine Regulation Act


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