The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

August 10th, 2016

July 4, 1946Oxford Journal Springhill Mayor Loses Car When Far From Home

    Vancouver July 1Mayor A.J. Mason of Springhill may have to end his proposed motor trip to California, Mexico and Kentucky in this city.  While he was deliberating on municipal affairs with the annual convention of the Canadian Conference of Mayors and Municipalities at the Vancouver Hotel here his car was stolen from a nearby parking lot.  At the same time Dartmouth born Mayor William M. Mott of New Westminster, B.C. 

     Mrs. Mason, their son-in-law Herbert Rushton, former first baseman with the Springhill Fencebusters, and Mrs. Rushton, crossed the continent with him for the convention.  The party had planned to return home via the southern United States and Mexico late in July.

     If the car does not turn up within the next week Mayor Mason and party plan to return home by train.

     Springhill Merchants put themselves on record Friday evening, Feb. 28, as being in favor of the establishment of Daylight Saving Time in Springhill.  The large meeting was unanimous in its decision.  Mr. Alex Leadbetter, President of the Merchants’ Association presided over the meeting.

Mar. 20, 1947New Manager for Edison Electric Company

     This week William D. Pippy took over his duties as Superintendent of the Edison Electric Light and Power Company of Springhill.  He succeeded George H. Haystead who has been transferred to the Western Nova Scotia Electric Company at Yarmouth.

     A native of Springhill, Mr. Pippy has been employed by the Nova Scotia Light and Power Company since 1939.  The Edison Electric Company serves Oxford, as well as Collingwood, Oxford Junction and East Leicester Districts.

Apr. 17, 1947 Springhill Adopts Daylight Saving time

     Springhill Apr. 15 – The Town Council in session unanimously adopted daylight saving time.  The question had been shelved on a previous occasion and a poll of the Council two weeks ago found them divided 3 to 3.

     However, the local union of the U.M.W. of A. endorsed the idea last Saturday hence the unanimous decision tonight.

     Daylight time will go into effect Apr. 27 and continue until Sept. 27.

     James O. Fairbanks was appointed Town Solicitor.

     The Council decided to write the Board of Public Utilities to ascertain if a deduction in power rates was contemplated by that Board.

May 1, 1947 Call off Vets’ Housing Project at Springhill

     Springhill April 29 – The War Veteran’ Housing Project for the town which called for the erection of ten homes this spring, has been cancelled, according to information received by the Town Council.

     According to the Housing Commission the proposed project is off, owing to the increased cost of materials, contractors were unable to build the houses for the price , therefore no houses would be built.

     The lots will be available to veterans, the letter stated, if they wish to purchase them and build.

     Ottawa April 23 – The Air Transport Board announced today issuance of a licence to the Springhill Flying Service at River Phillip, Nova Scotia to operate a non-scheduled charter commercial air service.

     The licence also allows the firm to conduct flying training, sight-seeing tours and survey services.

May 8, 1947To Re-Surface Springhill to Border Highway

     Amherst May 5 – Announcement was made here today by M.J. Kaufman, M.L.A., that the contract for resurfacing the trunk highway from Springhill to the New Brunswick border has been let by the Highway Department to the Acadian Construction Company of Bridgewater.

     This is one of the oldest hard-surfaced roads in the province but in recent years much repair work has been needed and it has never been satisfactory.

     In addition to this work, preliminary work on the Maccan-Joggins road will be done by H.H. Lattimer of Truro.

     It is believed that these undertakings will help substantially in relieving the unemployment program.

Graduates From Acadia University on May 20, 1947

    Bachelor of ArtsFrances Mildred Scott

     Bachelor in DivinityVincent Vernon Rushton


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