The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

March 9th, 2011

Local Notes 1900

The Springhill Advertiser – Jan. 24, 1900 - Local Notes:

     As Charles Bonzienne’s horse was being drive on Main Street on Monday, it received a serious wound, by collision with a passing team, the shaft piercing its breast fully eight inches.  It is about time that some action was taken to regulate the drivers on Main Street and other parts of town.

     Winter arrangements of CR&CC – Local Time

Train leaves Springhill Station 6:30 a.m.; 11:15 a.m.; 2:30 p.m.; 5:45 p.m.

Express from Parrsboro arrives 10:30 a.m.

Train at Springhill Junction 7:20 a.m.; 12:35 p.m.; 3:22 p.m.; and 7:50p.m.

Feb. 7, 1900 – It is rumored that a very interesting case will take place in the town court next week, papers having been taken out against two parties in town for keeping an immoral house and resort for prostitutes.  Some fifteen persons will be called as witnesses, some of which hold and enjoy prominent positions in the town.

     An attempt was made on Sunday night or early Monday morning to burglarize the store of Jas. T. Crawford.  The thief tried to gain an entrance by the back doors but when failing in this he broke a back window but on doing so he found that his entrance was barred.

Feb. 14, 1900 – Letter to the Editor (regarding the immoral house above)

Dear Sir:

There has been a report in circulation for the past few days bringing many of our townspeople into disrepute, charging them with frequenting an immoral house.  It might be better to withhold from publication any remarks bearing upon it, but at the same time it appears to my mind that a passing notice of the affair is necessary without being personal.  For my own part I have no knowledge of an precedent in the town to compare with it; and I trust that those parties who are so anxious to have the moral atmosphere of this town purified, that they themselves will, first of all, set an example for their brethrens by laying aside their own corrupt practices, and show both morally and physically, that they have taken the “mote” (as written in paper) from their eyes, they will then see more clearly the beam in their neighbours eye and they will look upon as fit to discharge the duties of the office which evolves upon them.

     We hope, however, in the near future, to prove fairly and squarely against those who started the foul gossip going the rounds of the town, that our hands are clean of any contamination with the fifteen witnesses in question.

Signed – One of the Witnesses

     Nine $2 counterfeit bills were palmed off at the Fancy Sale in connection with the Catholic Church Jan. 29th.  There is some suspicion as to the party who has had an examination and has been sent to Amherst for trial.

     William McInnis was badly squeezed between the rakes of full boxes on Thursday of last week.  His injuries are internal.  Drs. Sutherland and Murray are attending him and from the latest report we are informed that he is doing well and will likely pull through.

     The Springhill Social Athletic Club which has been organized about six months have beautifully furnished rooms over J.W. Fraser’s Store on Main Street.  This club is noted for their good behavior.  The club has given the use of their rooms to Miss Tweedie, of Amherst, for her French Class.  She speaks very highly of the members of the above club.

     A.E. Timmerman, of Springhill, N.S. is the happy possessor of his 1870 Fenian Raid medal.  He with his four brothers were called out for service in the above raid.  They were members of the 47th Batt. Band Frontenac Volunteers, Ontario.  The boys were stationed at Kingston, Ont., with the battalion, to take the place of the 14th Batt., which had been sent to Cornwall.  Their father, P.S. Timmerman, late postmaster of Odessa, Ontario being under arms in 1837 and his five sons in 1870, shows a record of loyalty hard to beat in Ontario, if not in the Dominion.  These five boys of one family, all living, are to be congratulated and they justly feel proud of their souvenirs.

     It will doubtless surprise most people to learn that any soldier of the British Army, who is captured by the enemy, gets his pay stopped at once.