The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

January 6th, 2016

Oct. 22, 1942Oxford Journal Mayor A. B. Wilson Passes at Springhill

Springhill Oct. 19 – Death tonight ended the career of Mayor A.B. Wilson who had the unique record of having served his adopted community as its Chief Magistrate for 25 terms, though not consecutively.  Prior to that he also served a few terms as a Councillor.  For several years Mayor Wilson had been troubled with a heart condition, but it was only on Saturday that he was ordered to bed for a rest, and news of his passing was accordingly a great shock to the citizens.

     Born at Low Pont, Cape Breton, he had however, made his home in Springhill 65 of the 79 years of his life.  He had for a time worked in the mines here and was always solicitous in regard to matters affecting the mines.  Early in his life here he served as a police officer.

     In addition to civic leader his fellow townsmen knew him as a businessman, first with his two brothers, John and William.  John is still engaged in conducting his own business here but William has passed away.  The firm headed by Mayor Wilson was known as Wilson and Company and in it he had associated with him his foster son Alec.  Also surviving are his wife the former Laura Nash of Springhill and there are four sisters, Mrs. David McSavaney, Mrs. J.C. McIsaac, Mrs. M.J. Leadbetter, all of Springhill and Mrs. Wilson Demings, Boston.

     He was a member of the congregation of St. Andrew’s United Church and was also active in the ranks of Oddfellows, being associated with Eureka Lodge.  His interest in   sport was largely confined to baseball and he was a frequent spectator at games and staunch supporter of local teams.

     His many friends in the town to which he gave leadership through many years, as many throughout the province, will learn of his passing with a deep sense of loss.

May 27, 1943Mine Workers’ Chorus and Band Coming Soon

     The United Mine Workers Chorus and old time band of Springhill will stage a program at the Skating Rink Oxford, Wednesday night, June 16th under the auspices of the Oxford Curling Club.  The same group of performers received such a fine reception for their performance at the Capital Theatre here last winter, will be here with a full evening of songs, old time numbers, imitations, etc.

     Following the entertainment the Band will furnish music for dancing from 10:30 to 1 a.m.

     Make plans to be at the Skating Rink on June 16th.

June 17, 1943 Recover Body of Springhill Soldier

Barrie, Ont. June 11 – The body of Corporal John I. Stone, 25, soldier in the Halifax Rifles, was found in Lake Simcoe, near Barrie, today.  Corporal Stone’s home was at Springhill, Nova Scotia.  He had been stationed at Camp Bordon for some time – and had been missing from his unit for several weeks.  Stone had been seen on May 7 at a Barrie store but since that time had been unreported.  Police have no theories as to the cause of his death as yet.  His widow and child live at Springhill.

Oct. 28, 1943 Springhill Record Sister and Brother in Army Provost Corps

They are known as “The Fighting Caseys” up Springhill, Nova Scotia way but to Halifax heads of Number 37 Provost Corps they are Lance Corporal Gerald L. Casey and Private Muriel Casey – the only brother - sister team in the Canadian Provost Corps.

     “Must be something in a name” slyly suggest Irish-eyed Muriel.

     Taciturn brother Gerald, a strapping husky of 193 pounds, doesn’t comment on his sister’s succinct explanation but implies the opportunities the Provost work offers “to get around” appeal to him.

     He joined the Provost three months ago after serving for nearly three years with the West Nova Scotia Regiment and a coastal artillery unit. His sister followed him into the service last February and pinned up her “MP” band just two weeks ago.

     Varying duties take them along trades far removed from work in the Provost Corps.

     Muriel Casey says that even in the early stages of army life there was no indication of her ultimate destiny in the Canadian Women’s Army Corps.  Until gaining her present assignment she was a member of the CWAC precision and entertainment squad of M.D. 6, now disbanded.

     The Caseys are agreed on one point.  The Army’s policemen and women want to help their charges in uniform. But if some won’t give them the chance – the Caseys are coming!


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