The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

July 4th, 2012

July 27, 1933 – Springhill RecordMiners Arrange Free Picnic

     Arrangements are progressing nicely for the big free picnic to be held in Parrsboro on August 19th under the auspices of the United Mine Workers.  The company is lending its cooperation and is really making the event possible by donating a special train for the occasion.  Such appreciation will be more than appreciated by the hundreds of people this summer who have been unable to find their way to the beach for a holiday.  In charge of arrangements the miners have selected Guy Demings, Chairman; with Harry Nodwell, John Reedy, William Mackey, Angus MacKay, Robert Wilson and Robert McAloney.

Apr. 12, 1934 First Pension Payments Made

     Some 30 or 40 old folks in town were made happy last week by the receipt of Old Age Pension Cheques and there will be more to follow.  In a number of cases these older people have been obliged to accept relief.  The new provision will bring to them a measure of independence which should be a matter of gratification to all concerned.

Cooking device Now On Sale

     A clever little device with a story behind it has come our way.  The name of the device is “Legere’s Perfect Egg Boiler & Server” and the story is as follows:

     Among those laid off last April when the Victoria Mine was closed down at River Hebert, was Alfred Legere, the Victoria Mines blacksmith.  With a large family he has since been facing the all too common problem of being “anxious to work, but with no work to do.”  Mrs. Legere, boiling eggs one day, splashed her hand, scalding it badly.  Thinking it over, Mr. Legere began experimenting with various forms of holders until he evolved the device which is now on sale.  He took the model to Alex Morris, of Springhill, who had also been laid off.  Together they made a machine which would turn out the finished article.

     The egg boiler is collapsible for convenience.  Opened up for use it shows a number of wire holders which hold the egg lightly, in the form of a cruet.  A rigid handle makes it possible to place the holder safely in boiling water, removing it with equal ease.

     Preliminary sales have been encouraging and it is now on sale in Springhill.

June 7, 1934 – Forest Fire Under Control

     A forest fire starting at Wyndham Monday afternoon swept its way through to the Valley Road, destroying everything in its path despite the frantic effort of fire fighters who did everything possible to check its advance.  Sub-Ranger Stewart Mitchell is in charge of operation.

     When first noticed Monday afternoon flames and smoke were plainly evident in town, but fortunately the wind was blowing from the west and the town was not affected by the smoke which hung in dense clouds over the horizon.

     Those who suffered most from the blaze are George Strong who lost 180 acres of timber land which had been culled a year or two ago.  Oscar Mills on the Valley Road lost about 25 acres of good timber land but his sugar camp is still standing although it was reported destroyed.

     Today the fire is smoldering on the land of Ed Johnson and the fire fighters are working desperately to stamp it out entirely.  An electric pump was rushed to the scene yesterday and trenches were dug to check the advance of the flames.

     Meanwhile fires are raging in several other places in the county and many acres of valuable timberland has been destroyed. 

Heavy Toll

     Norman Boss, son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Boss, had a narrow escape from being killed about ten o’clock Sunday morning.  He had gone to the woods in company with John Crowe and was bending down to get some water from a brook.  As he straightened up he was struck by a bullet which entered his shoulder at the front and came out through the muscle.

     The two boys did not see any one but it is believed the bullet was fired from a high powered rifle and inflicted a severe wound.  Boss was rushed to All Saints Hospital, where he received medical attention.

     At latest report Boss is making good progress and feeling more comfortable this morning.