The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

August 1st, 2012

Car Accident

Aug. 16, 1934Springhill Record
10 Persons Injured In Car Collision outside Springhill

     Ten persons, four adults and six children, were in All Saints Hospital Sunday, as a result of the worst car accident to be recorded in the Springhill district for some years.  Of the ten injured, Kitchener O’Brien is the only one in danger, having suffered a severe cut on the right side of his neck which severed nerves and muscles.  It is said that his head was driven through the windshield of the Allan car in which he was riding.

The injured:

Kitchener O’Brien, 38, Upper Greenville, war vet (65th Batt.) neck cut to backbone, severing nerves and tendons, critical.

Samuel Allan, 60, East Southampton, face and arms cut, bruises.

Thomas Holden, chest injuries when wheel broke against his body.  Knee injured also.

Annie Holden, 14, leg bruises.

Edward Holden, 13, teeth, upper and lower, knocked out.

Fernie Holden, 11, jaw badly cut, head bruises.

Blanche Holden, 9, cut about head and face.

Edna Holden, 7, head and arms cut.

John Phalen, 9, head badly cut, face and back bruised.

     Corporal Saxton was called to the scene of the accident which occurred on the Leamington Road about 9:30 a.m. Sunday near Lowe’s farm. He found both cars locked almost in the centre of the road.  Visibility at that particular section is negligible, said the Corporal, in an interview with the Record.  By the appearance of the cars he estimated that Holden was travelling about 25 miles per hour and Allan twenty-five.  The cars struck as they topped a rising piece of ground.  The crowd that gathered had wiped out all markings the cars had made before they struck and their exact approach to the scene of the accident could not be determined. 

    Chief of Police Mont was present also at the scene of the accident.

     Samuel Allan of East Southampton and Kitchener O’Brien of Upper Greenville, were on their way to town.  Mr. Allan was at the wheel. In the other car was Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holden of Springhill and six children, on their way towards Parrsboro for a day’s outing.  At the spot where they struck the road measured twenty-two feet wide.

     It took three doctors, Simpson, Withrow and Walsh, to attend the injured in the hospital.

     Morley Weatherbee, with his big wrecking truck, helped clear the road and the cars were later removed to the homes of their respective owners.

     While it is considered miraculous that no one was killed, the injuries sustained are of a most serious and painful nature.  Annie Holden, whose injuries were least serious, was able to leave the hospital.  The Phalen child was removed to his home yesterday.  Nearly all the children have scalp and face wounds.  At latest report all are showing improvement.

Local Boy Found Strangled Lloyd Townsend Paul

     News of the tragic death, on Sunday, Oct. 8, at Los Angeles of Lloyd Townsend Paul, was first received here Sunday evening in a radio broadcast of news events of the day, when it was stated that he had been found in his bedroom strangled by his own scarf, robbery having been the motive, since money and personal belongings were missing.  It is stated further that the thief escaped in the victim’s car which was found later abandoned.  Although authentic details are not available the report of death has been confirmed. 

     Lloyd Paul was a Springhill boy, a son of ex-Councilor Andrew Paul and the late Julia Townsend Paul.  There are in his immediate family three brothers: J. Leonard Paul, Toronto; Harry Paul, Lethbridge; Clifford Paul, Springhill and one sister, Mrs. Christie (Gussie) in Calgary.  He was 35 years of age and had lived in the United States since leaving school.  He was a young man of undoubted talents, having been for several years a movie actor, appearing in his last picture, “The Devil” with George Arliss.

     Being a resident of the United States at the time of the Great War, he enlisted for the service with the American Expenditionary force, continuing his studies in Dramatic Art after his return.  Interment was at Los Angeles.

     Much sympathy is expressed for members of the family, especially for his father, who is ill at the present time.