
Our Goodly Heritage

A book of "history, happenings and homes" Springhill - Our Goodly Heritage traces the development of this Nova Scotia coal mining town from the arrival of a few homesteading pioneers to 1988. With this well illustrated and carefully researched book the Springhill Heritage Group has presented the story of a community known worldwide for courage in the face of disaster.

Published by The Springhill Heritage Group, Bertha J. Campbell, et. al. 1989

356 pages Paperback

Where To Buy

The Springhill Heritage Group
P.O. Box 240 B,  Springhill, N.S.
B0M 1X0, Canada

E-mail: patcrowe@bellaliant.net

Springhill: Our Goodly Heritage / $24.95 ea

($19.95 + $5.00 postage and packing)

Prices are in Canadian funds
for orders from Canada. 

For orders from USA total price is US$19.95

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will vary. Inquire for details.

An index (36 pages) for Springhill: Our Goodly Heritage is also available separately for $6.00 in Can. funds and $6.00 U.S. funds.

Please note that shipping charges will vary.

Inquire for details.


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